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Post by hello »

What is the MSHSL's viewpoint on HS coaches recruiting from the hockey camps that they work at? Sounds like the Brainerd roster is going to be pumped up by a few boys from out of the area... Is this a common practice? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: recruiting

Post by puckhead89 »

I believe the MSHL is clear that recruiting is not acceptable under any circumstance, however, is it done anyway? Yes.<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
pasciewicz is a seive
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Here we go again!

Post by pasciewicz is a seive »

I can see where this thread is going<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :rolleyes --><img src= ALT=":rolleyes"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> . The topic has been beaten to death many, many, many times. Give it a rest. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Here we go again!

Post by KodiakChew »

Lee and Mitch. Get rid of this thread, we don't need to hear it again! People, this topic is just tired and old, lets not begin it again. <p>AHA 2002 & 2005 State Champions!<br></p><i></i>
The machine took my quart
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Re: Here we go again!

Post by The machine took my quart »

No surprise from an AHA YAHOO! <p></p><i></i>
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Re: recruiting

Post by Bart82 »

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Post by hello »

Umm for those of us who don't live on this board all summer, just asking a simple question. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: recruiting

Post by bdabbt75 »

You didn't ask a simple question... you asked a loaded question... A question that infers an infraction of the MSHSL rules, one that impugns the integrity of an athletic dept, a HS coach, and the motives of unnammed players. <br><br>My simple advice. If you think it's illegal, call or write the MSHSL. If you don't know if it's illegal... read about 3 years of posting before posting a non-factual posting in the guise of a question.<br><br>At best, you're just lazy... at worst... you want to defame someone or some school without any facts. <p></p><i></i>
Renegade Ram
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Re: recruiting

Post by Renegade Ram »

Are you kidding me? That stuff really happens in high school activities? Is it only done for hockey or all of them? If it really happens where do these kids go and why do they go there? <p></p><i></i>
JLS 81
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1 Year Loss of Eligibility

Post by JLS 81 »

MSHSL if they really were interested would impose a 1 year loss of eligiblity for kids who just up and move to another team. Make the same policy as they do for College. This of course does not include families having to move due to job loss. It does however cover the kid who just makes the switch to another school. That would end the alledged "recruiting" over night. It would alos restore some balance to high school hockey. As well than guys who are not in high favor of this subject would not have to put up with the endless threads. Actually it is quite a spirited topic and does not need to be censored. I am certainly willing to write MSHSL and offer an opnion and suggest imposing 1 year loss of elgilibilty because I do think it would end things over night. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: 1 Year Loss of Eligibility

Post by bdabbt75 »

JLS,<br><br>I don't disagree the topic is without merit...<br><br>to your point. the 1 move free, then the 1 move for 1/2 off all sports for a calendar year, then the next move 1 year off, was the compromise. You're suggestion was considered at the time. The concer was there were 2 issues that they must handle. 1) Do you punish the kid who changes schools for a reason other than sports, but sports are an important part of his life... If the kid just needs to 'start over' in school (bad rap, doesn't fit in, has a teacher jonesin' for him), you want to take away his competitive extracurricular's for a year... just not consistent with the charter of the MSHSL. 2) if the kid realizes the childish mistake he made, and wants to move back, you've just penalized him again a whole year. The kid is a just a kid, so do you tell a 16yo, that you're now a 2 time loser and you miss out on 2 years of your HS career. Our legal system is more lenient on Minors, making much bigger social mistakes. I think the current model is fair.... and full of loopholes (assuming the parents are in collusion... all it takes is one of them to move into the correct district with the kid, and it's a legal move)<br><br>as to thread, The _manner_ of question is without merit.<br><br>I'd have not problem discussing this in the hypothetical.. but to call out a program inferring the coaches broke serious rules with no facts... I construe that as libelous. <p></p><i></i>
JLS 81
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Post by JLS 81 »

I see your point on penalizing the kid. This would not be in my interest either. However putting the brakes on some of the parents out there "shopping" their kid. I would think the deterrant of a one year supension from play would simply stop accusation, inuendo and loophole activity dead in its tracks. That sir, I am in high favor of doing. Under current MSHSL regulation there is in fact gray area to work around if one was scrupulous enough to wish to do so. There in is what raises my dander over the subject. It is indeed a convoluted discussion. I agree with you on the point of taking a shot at a coach unsubstantiated. That is why I preface my commentary to schools who have been documented to have had some issues. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: bdabbt75

Post by wild77 »

Let's see...punish 1 kid because he was forced to move and now has to sit out a year of sports or punish 98% of the kids in A and AA hockey that play for unpopular teams that don't see the steady flow of transfers and conssistently lose their best players. Sorry litlle johnny.....political correctness rules the day!!!! <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Hello

Post by synergy100 »

Sharpening the dagger a bit early in the season, u usually wait to whine. Any actual facts on this topic or new players? Where r they from? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Hello

Post by KodiakChew »

The Machine took my quarter... I was speaking on behalf of 95% of the people on this board. I'm against recruiting and I think people that do it should be punished. But I just don't want to hear this thread again because it is mostly pointing fingers without any real facts.<br><br>Hello... I'm not on this board all summer long, I took the entire summer off and only recently started posting again this past get your facts strait.<br><br>Its a valid topic, it just never stays on topic and just turns into name calling and finger pointing, which is why these topics usually get blocked.<br><br>P.S. I think recruiting occurs more from parents and players than from coaches and school officials. But, both are wrong. I mean, how many times do you hear a player tell their friend," hey you should come and play here, wouldn't that be fun." Something like that, no matter if its public or private.<br><br>Just my thoughts... and Machine Took my quarter, I like your screen name, it is very clever. But I didn't name call you and you should't do the same to me. That is how these threads get blocked. <p>AHA 2002 & 2005 State Champions!<br></p><i></i>
east hockey
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Re: Hello

Post by east hockey »

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Its a valid topic, it just never stays on topic and just turns into name calling and finger pointing, which is why these topics usually get blocked.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br>Exactly right, Kodiak. There are certain schools who nearly always get dragged into these discussions. Also, it tends to turn into a public vs private fray.<br><br>The word "recruiting" is used by many to diminish the accomplishments of certain high school programs. You've seen it happen with AHA. People point to the "Virginia Connection" which helped East win state in '98, as another example. The problem is that some either don't understand the difference between open enrollment and recruiting, or don't care. "Well, of course you recruit!". Or "our guys are better than your guys...they're homegrown" (done with much High Moral Ground chest thumping, of course) How many times have we seen variations of this trolled out on this Board?<br><br>If somebody has actual factual evidence of wrongdoing, bringing it up here does nothing. They <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>should</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--> be directing this to the State League. Bet they won't, though. Why not? Because they'd rather complain here, or claim "well, it won't do any good, anyway". <br><br>In the end, I just laugh. Anybody doesn't like how it's currently structured? Get the law changed, move to another state, or put a sock in it. It's tiring.<br><br>The idea of "well, there should be an open exchange of ideas" doesn't fly in respect to this topic because we're talking about a topic which tends to bring out mostly closed-minded opinions. Charges and insinuations fly back and forth, but at the end of the day, nothing really changes and few if any minds are changed. It's the nature of the beast. People believe what they believe going in and are convinced that their position is true and just. Few don't fall victim to this bias.<br><br>I'll keep this alive so long as it doesn't disintegrate into what it eventually does in almost every other case. The other part of the deal is this; if the topic creeps into any other topics, then <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>those</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--> topics get shut down.<br><br>Lee<br><br> <p>____________<br>Message Board arsonist since 2005</p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... ockey>east hockey</A> at: 8/26/05 6:16 pm<br></i>
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Re: Hello

Post by EREmpireStrikesBack »

I always love this topic when it comes up every 1 1/2 months <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START 8) --><img src= ALT="8)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p>Elk River AA State Champions- 2001 Boys & 2004 Girls</p><i></i>
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Re: Hello

Post by Lbow7 »

Hello, you could accuse ANY COACH, youth, hs, Jr, college, etc., that works at a camp or a for profit business based on improving individual skills. Generally when a coach works in the off season, he/she is there to become a better coach, just like a player wants to become a better player. Id rather have a coach that is willing use his/hers SUMMER VACATION to become better at their profession rather than spending their time on the LINKS telling anyone or everyone who is willing to listen, how GOOD of a COACH he/she is. Maybe, just maybe, if the coach sets the example, the players might follow. What a novel idea, eah! <p></p><i></i>
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Post by Gphrhcky22 »

It seems like this topic strikes a nerve with those programs "always accused" of recruiting. Most of the time there is no basis to the allegations. However, Mr. Trebil was censured by the MSHSL and fined $500 for recruiting a few years back so I don't think you can say these allegations are unfounded or pointless. <br><br>Places like Hill, Breck, AHA and Blake have to recruit because they do not have a youth program as a feeder. These schools have been around forever. It was never a big deal when Breck sucked in the mid 80's. DO you ever hear people screaming about SPA? Nope, and you never will until they start competing for section titles. The programs that irritate me are the public schools that keep getting kids from every school within driving distance. I am sure this is a sensitive topic for the East people and the ER people. It isn't always the coaches pounding on the doors. It may be the fact that little Billy in Virginia or Buffalo has a better chance at getting college exposure at East or ER. This topic is more about the selfishness of HS athletics than it is about "recruiting". See the thread about the MV coach if you need further proof. <br><br>Will it ever change? I doubt it. The schools that benefit from this are too passionate to be beaten, and the schools who suffer from this don't care enough to fight it. It is the way of the world. I still like to see a "homegrown" team like Centennial in '04 win a state tourney together than a group of north metro all stars. It is just a personal preference. <p></p><i></i>
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Get your facts straight.

Post by cliff77 »

Hey Gphrhcky22,<br><br>Trebil was never fined for a recruiting violation.<br> <br>The school suggested the fine as a final resolution to the whole investigation. The fine was for alledgedly encouraging a hockey player to not play football. This is a charge Trebil denied then and I am sure would deny today. In fact, I don't think he ever paid the fine, the school did.<br><br>The whole investigation was brought forth by a whacko AHA assistant footbal coach, whose kid did not make the AHA varsity hockey team the previous season.<br><br>As a result of this football coach's baseless allegations, the MSHSL conducted the most comprehensive investigation into recruiting violations in MSHSL history. The result of the investigation was the MSHSL found no evidence of any recruiting violation by Trebil or the AHA's part.<br><br>When you have a tremendous program in any academic or athletic endeavor, the best will beat a path to your door. Good programs don't need to recruit. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... cliff77</A> at: 8/30/05 8:21 am<br></i>
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Post by packerboy »

I agree with you Lee but I dont think that people are complaining about anything illegal. <br><br>I dont think that even the most ardent private school phobics are suggesting that kids are being offered convertibles to attend Breck.<br><br>People just do not like the idea of "losing" their kids to private schools.Since some cant accept the fact that a family has chosen an AHA or HM because they prefer it over the local public school, they have to put a label on it. <br><br>I can undersatnd it. It really didnt happen much in my day. If you were a good hockey player, you didnt leave So St Paul to go to Cretin. You couldnt go to THE state tournament if you went to a Catholic school. They were not allowed to participate. <br><br>A few things have happened since then. The MSHSL allowed all schools to participate in their tournament and Catholic schools are now "back in style". Since there is no longer a competitive penalty associated with going to a Catholic school, all the more reason they continue to flourish.<br><br>Since there is a lawsuit brought if a coach has the team say a prayer before a game, or the word "God" has to be redacted from the pledge of allegiance in the public schools... I wouldnt expect things to change real soon. <br><br><br><br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Recruiting

Post by Thehockeyplaya »

hey lee what was the virginia connection back in 98' that everyone talked about?? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Recruiting

Post by KodiakChew »

Gphrhcky22, get your facts strait before you come on here and post. Trebil was never found guilty of recruiting, that was made very clear by MSHL. So that statement is inaccurate. Another false statement is that AHA has been around forever, or even as long as the other schools you mentioned. AHA was an all girls school untill the late 70's and has a very small history of a boys hockey team. Only in the past 10 years has AHA really come on in hockey. <br><br>This is how these threads get blocked, because rumors start like this. Know your crap before you come on and say something as significant as that.<br><br>And by the way, why doesn't anyone mention the scandal that happened over there in Eastview a few years back, or the Hopkins kids going to St. Louis Park and Warroad, or all those kids switching schools up there in Duluth, Greenway, etc. Just some hypocracy in my mind. <p>AHA 2002 & 2005 State Champions!<br></p><i></i>
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Post by hillhockey »

well i dont know about the past 10 years.. I was going to say holy angels was a lot worse 5 years ago, but i'll give them credit and say they havent been as good as they are now for the past 10 years, but they have at least 5 under their belt.. I'll say 7 years of being decent just to have a number right between 5 and 10. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Get your facts straight.

Post by NPGandyDancer »

cliff77. is the investigation report available from the mshsl? it may make an interesting read. or it could possibly bore the crap out of you. then, i suggest we move on...drop the flatball...and enjoy the game. <p></p><i></i>