Bob McDonalds Letter

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Bob McDonalds Letter

Post by goldy313 »

After enjoying a week of fine and entertaining basketball, I feel obligated to bring forth, if for no other reason than argumentation, some of the problems that are having a negative impact on our communities, schools, programs, and participants.<br><br>My proposition is that a three-class system be established in basketball. (Some might contend with two.) As for the four-class system, it is unraveling at the lower levels which causes consternation among those who are affected by it. Because of the lack of numbers in our classes, section borders have been extended, causing schools to travel distant sites veritably of little interest to the fans and participants. Left without sufficient numbers in most cases, sub-sections (districts) cannot be used, thus forcing teams to run the full gauntlet of the section tourney with little chance of reward. Constant realignment in some areas has become puzzling to those in the sections involved. Every two years many schools face the trauma of being sent to some section which means nothing to them traditionally.<br><br>This proposal provides us with three classes of substantial numbers and structure, which needs little tending. I question the number involved in the 3A and 4A sections at present. Having been associated with a number of fuel "crunches", I am surprised that school officials have not come into play considering what a four-class system has heaped on us regarding travel. One can only imagine the difficulty the media has in covering the activities of four classes (too many, too far, not enough personnel or interest). Perhaps three classes could make a great allowance for a consolation ("vindication") series which is important to teams losing in the first round.<br><br>Alas, I have come to a problem that must be faced as one that is the most insidious. As for "open enrollment," as defined at its inception, most would be hard-pressed to identify it with the dream Governor Perpich brought forth. Though I never agreed with the concept, it was given to us to deal with with. Subtle recruiting, raiding, seeking to ally with a winner, and fickle fame seem to have become an integral part of the athletic agenda, all in guaranteeing winning.<br><br>Not only do these "open enrolleees" do a disservice to the school that developed them, but also to those they displace, and the parents who had looked forward to their offspring playing. A more stringent policy must be brought forth by the Minnesota State High School League. It cannot be done without the support of those concerned with the twisted trends of our era. Without a strong body to lead our schools and programs, we invite troublesome situations. Our fine high school programs should never be supplanted by AAU or club activities.<br><br>Griping is human phenomenon which is futile unless those who have issues with a controlling body make their wishes known.<br><br>Sincerely,<br><br>Bob McDonald<br><br>Chislom High School<br><br>Bob McDonald is the boys basketball coach at Chislom High and has been for 50 years. While this letter pertains directly to basketball, many of us in the hockey world can easily transfer his view (and worries) into our own sport. The class system, the section alignment process, and the open enrollment issues to name three over discussed ones we chose to deal with on a semi-regular basis.<br><br><br>Amen Bob, I hope the powers that be hear you and others like you step forth and stop the madness that threatens the fabric of sport. To hear a man of his character use the word <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>recruiting</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--> ought to send off many warning signals to those who choose to either disregard it as hearsay or use it as finger pointing. Often times I read from the powers that be something along the lines of "prove it" when it comes to allegations of recruiting, while a statement such as this doesn't blame any certain program (nor should it) it sends a powerful message that yes it does happen. Moreover it comes from a named and credible source, not some person on a message board with an axe to grind or a scape goat to be named. Also Bob's respect for the fans, students and communities is striking, I think we all notice the downward trend in attendance, media coverage, and community pride in our local teams, not just in hockey, but all sports. Thanks for a well written and thought out letter Mr. McDonald. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... oldy313</A> at: 4/8/05 9:08 pm<br></i>
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