Coaches required to wear helmets.

Discussion of Minnesota Youth Hockey

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Re: helmets

Post by goldy313 »

Time to pull the rink teams out of MAHA and USA Hockey all together, between the fees, certification, and now this we'll be lucky to have any coaches at this level next year. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: helmets

Post by upucker »

I hear the helmets will be deer hunter Orange and will have the stop sign logo on all four sides of the hemet. This will let the kids know that its not a player but a coach and you should avoid checking or shooting pucks at them. Oh and one more thing they can only be bought from USA Hockey, cost 350.00.<br>Oh well one more hoop to jump through, won't stop me from coaching. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: helmets

Post by joshdog »

Hockeybballguy, if you wish to wear a helmet, then wear one! Nowhere does a rule say that you can't wear one. From the look's of the poll that was up on the MN Hockey website, this is not a very popular move by a LONG shot. It is VERY obvious that the power's that be don't give a crap what the constituent's think. In the last few year's, MN Hockey has implemented some very disturbing thing's with what I consider to be very little foresight. Getting people involved in coaching has been made tougher every year and now it will be even tougher. I asked this before and no body has answered me. How many head injuries have occured per practice event? That is a number that would have to have been brought up because without it there is very little to stand on except paranoia or meglomania. If that number was very high, then let coaches know and they will pick up a helmet on their own. If that number is astronomically low as I would bet it is, there is very little to stand on. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: helmets

Post by elliott70 »

Josh<br><br>The spring meeting is April 28, 29 & 30 in Detroit Lakes.<br><br>The rule for next year will be adopted then.<br><br>I have heard coaches express a wish to be grandfathered into a rule allowing them not to wear helmets. I do not know if this is a possibilty, but now is the time to request that or any other thing that you (or others) would wish to see in the rule.<br><br>Comments should be directed to the Hockey Ops committee (Barry Ford), the Rules committee (Bob Halverson) and District Directors, and President Dennis Green. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: helmets

Post by goldy313 »

A good number of people I officiated with tried the same thing when helmets became mandatory. It didn't fly real well, though this was a USA Hockey decision not a MAHA one if I remember right. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: helmets

Post by HOT SHOT »

I have never seen A coach get his head split open at practice. I could see how this could happen. I have seen coaches go down from players under - cutting or clipping them from behind. They cant walk for about 3 days.<br><br> What I would do to avoid this is try to keep my butt or back side up against the boards when running full lenght drills.<br><br><br> WHAT I THINK IS EVEN MORE DANGEROUS IS THE NHL HAS ABOUT 2 REFS THAT STILL DONT WEAR HELMETS. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... t@mnhs>HOT SHOT</A> at: 1/18/06 2:20 pm<br></i>
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Re: helmets

Post by dasherdude »

<br>goldy313,<br>Don't be too surprised if you hear about AAU getting involved with youth hockey. I'm very proud to be involved with Minnesota Hockey and USAHockey, but sometimes I wonder what they're thinking. This whole helmet thing stinks of CYA and political correctness. <p></p><i></i>
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Post by Duluthhockeyfan »

This is not gonna keep me from coaching, however, I certainly don't want to hear the sob-story from Minnesota Hockey on the attrition rate of coaches when they continue to put limitations and regulations on what can and can not be done. I should have my mite hang up his skates, and start perfecting his bubble hockey skills, because at this rate that is where we are all headed. <br><br>Are back-round checks a good idea? Absolutely.<br><br>Are CEP cards a good idea? The online re-cert. was the first time I felt I got anything out of it. <br><br>Whats next, a DNA sample, and a family history?<br><br>Things are getting over-regulated and you will drive people out. <br><br>....and seriously, I want to know who's gonna buy my helmet? I haven't played competitive hockey for 15 years, I don't wear a helmet to tool around the rink. I do however have to pay $50 to recerify, I have to pay like 20 or 30 to reg. with USA hockey. So who's gonna buy my new $100 helmet.<br><br>You think the cost of having a kids play hockey is getting to be too much. Guess what the cost of coaching hockey is beginning to be too much.<br><br>The final question I have for all you brilliant DD's and everyone else who voted for this is, how do you have the balls to impose such a rule on people who VOLUNTEER!!! When you start paying me to coach, than maybe you have the right to tell me what I can and can not wear. <br><br>Finally, in Duluth, it is extremely cold in our indoor arena. I'm sure you have all heard the term "Freezeberger" Well with that being said, I am more worried about frostbitting my ears in the middle of January than falling on my head. What about the coaches who have to practice outside all the time? Maybe they want to wear a hat to avoid getting sick and not having to miss work WHERE THEY GET PAID.<br><br>The fact is a few disgruntled wives showed up and threatened to sue you guys and coward as usual. I'd like to see the whole board removed you are all gutless. <br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Post by elliott70 »

The problem here is you.<br><br>This has been on this sight & MN Hockey sight for some time now.<br><br>It has been brought up before.<br><br>It is in the Handbook.<br><br>BUT WHERE THE (insert FOUR LETTER WORD not use OUT OF RESPECT FOR LEE) HAVE YOU BEEN !!!!!!<br><br>Not at the Board meeting that's for d... sure.<br><br>You want to call me out go ahead. I can take care of myself and I can take care of you.<br><br>But when you blast a bunch of good people who work hard like the DD's do (sometimes against the other 15 guys) then you get me pissed.<br><br>Climb out of your hole and pretend to be a man you .....<br> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... wker>Mitch Hawker</A> at: 1/17/06 10:46 pm<br></i>
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Did I hit a nerve?

Post by Duluthhockeyfan »

Well I have commented on this sight. I have emailed my dd, I have emailed MH exec.'s, I have emailed hal, and I have email those at USA hockey. <br><br>This rule is a joke, and i will not be afraid to stand up and defend my opinion.<br><br>Why don't I come to the meeting? Oh should I have to put more of my own money into my Volunteer position, to drive down stay in a hotel and pay $2+ a gallon for gas when obviously (per the poll on no one really cares what the actual people who are out doing the work the kids care about. I like wearing my winter hat at the rink. MY HOCKEY COACH when I was younger preached the importances of wearing it at the rink so I don't get sick. They don't make a helmet big enough for me to wear a hat under, should I quit working with kids? For the amount of graduation announcements I get every year I like to think I have been a pretty good influence on them. don't expect me to sit back and agree with a decision I think is a joke. Like you said out of all the people voting how many of them actually coach? 1? Goes to show it's really easy to sit back in your Minnesota hockey jacket, make rules, and expect everyone to bow down to them. I think its garbage.<br><br>Now I have respected everything you have posted on here, I appreciate your honosty and keeping everyone as well informed as possible. But don't sit back now all high and mighty and tell me I don't have a right to my opinion. Finally, weather you put in the **** or spell out the word as a DD you should be setting an example for the kids on this board who come and read these post and with zero tolerance for who? OH YEAH COACHES, what would happen to one of us if we were to call a referee what you were referring to me as. You have once again proved my point, it is really easy to sit back make and enforce rules when you aren't the one in the trenches. <br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Post by Duluthhockeyfan »

By the still didn't answer who is gonna buy my new helmet? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: helmets

Post by greybeard58 »

Just for everybody's information those 12 District Directors have an impossible job to do, on the best day 1/2 of the people agree. They are the one responsible for all of USA hockey functions in their District. The hours needed are numerous. The ones I know are concerned for ALL of the players and coaches in their District and are concerned for their safety, as for being to far away from the game, yes they are not focused on one certain player or a certain team or even a certain association they are focused on all with in their District.<br> How many more injuries is it going to take before people wake up, common sense says to wear one, if a coach wears shin pads and gloves why not a helmet even the better skaters have taken tumbles and been lucky, if you have seen stars from hitting the ice and did not have a trip to the hospital you were extremely lucky, others were either seriously injured or are dead.<br> Ask any District Director just how much they are paid and you will find the true meaning of volunteer. I know Elliot and others do it for the love of the game, it is called giving back only instead of coaching it is management on a large scale.<br> For all who are concerned the next Mn Hockey is in Detroit Lakes in April and also send your letters to the DD'S or Mn Hockey admin. as mentioned else where, if you do not write or attend the meeting then do not complain. NUFF SAID <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Did I hit a nerve?

Post by goldy313 »

I too have e-mailed my local board, my district, and USA Hockey. I get a standard form letter thanking me for my opinions, if I get anything at all, that's it. Try and talk to these people and you can't because of Parlimentary rules or some other non sense. It's a catch-22, if I want to speak I have to be on the Agenda, but if they know I want to speak they're not going to put me on the agenda. Time constraints you know. <br><br>I feel bad for the people at MAHA, I really do. But the result of centralized control often is the ones closest to the ground suffer the most. When somebody in Colorado is telling me if and how I coach my squirt rink team something is seriously out of whack. Like I've said to many people many times; the only ones who should deem me a worthy coach should be my local board. Instead of just being glad we have coaches who volunteer they keep putting a bigger burden on us, and the result is hockey is going down hill. Hockey is the only sport in the country run this way, for the life of me I can't figure out why. <br><br>In Minnesota the pinnicle is high school hockey for most, but we are basically alone in that. MAHA has to fall in line with USA Hockey whether or not it's good for Minnesota kids. Often times it's not. I'm still of the belief that Minnesota and MAHA would be better off getting out of USA Hockey all together and running our own program. Who cares if we can't play teams from other states? This affects them more than us anyhow. We ship so much money out and get so little in return, for what gain? The elite are getting ahead but the masses are struggling, or worse disappearing from hockey altogether.<br><br>Mark, you and the rest of the people at MAHA do exceptional work, I don't always agree with you guys, but respect your views. <p></p><i></i>
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Post by mngopher8 »

<br> Elliot-<br><br> Would the coaches be required to wear a full shield, half shield, or no shield?<br><br> I personally disagree with the rule but accidents happen and i guess if we can prevent them why not?<br><br>PS: Man imagine somebody trying to tell Ikola hes gotta wear a helmet. Not gonna happen. <p></p><i></i>
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Post by pse44 »

I just want to know where it stops? Will coaches have to bring helmets to games and put them on when we go shake hands? Full face masks? There is a risk in anything you do.. From getting out of bed in the morning to pouring yourself a cup of hot coffee. I mean where does it stop. For god's sake forty years ago players were not even wearing helmets for games. Maybe we should be making sure that all the people at Minnesota hockey who are making these decsions to wear a helmet when they enter the rink.. Because they might get hit with a puck watching a game. Sounds ridiculous but come on. Quit governing everything and let coaches coach and players play. Or make sure that they have a helmet on when they go to these meeting so they don't fall on the ice on the sidewalk on the way in to the meeting. Bottom line way to many rules and politics. <p></p><i></i>
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Post by elliott70 »

I apologize to ALL for losing it.<br><br>But when someone calls you gutless and a coward, without even having been present at the event it tends to hit a nerve.<br><br>The other 11 DD work very hard. I can not speak on what happens in their districts, but I know what happens in D16.<br><br>And I know who stands up for the local assn and coaches when stuff comes down to make more paper work etc, it is the DIRECTORS.<br><br>I have been attending MN Hockey meetings since 1994. You do not see many others there than those people on the board. If you think the Board and the Board make up needs to change then you have to so some ground work. I believe here are 3 positons opening up on the Board this Spring. Give me your name, address etc and I will get you nominated.<br><br>And for volunteering and spending money - I don't know what others do, but most would be hard pressed to compare their hours and dollars with what I have put into hockey for the last 15 years. Not bragging, not looking for a pat on the back.<br>But just to let you know that some of us on the Board are making sacrifices.<br><br>And two district directors did vote against the motion.<br><br>DULTUH - I do not know you, probably a fine person. But when I see people I respect getting attacked, my first reaction is to attack back. Again, I apologize. <p></p><i></i>
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How Many Accidents?

Post by Duluthhockeyfan »

If that is the thinking we should melt the ice close the arena's and pick up our swim trunks. <br><br>I'm so sick of hearing the what-if's in life! No wonder kids now a days don't want to play hockey or any other sport anymore, they aren't told it is fun, its great exercise, you'll meet great friends. <br><br>No they are told, be careful, you might fall down, you might get hurt, you can't keep score you might hurt someone elses feelings. <br><br>Obviously the rule is not going to be changed on this message board, but it is a place to voice opinions and disgust.<br><br>The fact is, Minnesota hockey board members heard from their membership a resounding NO when it came to coaches wearing helmets, and they didn't listen. In my opinion that is irresponsible. They have a duty to represent their membership and by their own poll on their own website they could see first hand the lack of support for this rule and they still past it. That is irresponsible. <br><br>As far as how many accidents have to happen before something needs to change? Every year kids break their wrist from slashes and we still use sticks. Every year kids break their legs or blow out their knees from high speed collisions. Yet, we still allow them to use skates. The fact is there is always some risk that goes along with playing certain sports or activities. But that is the beauty of FREE CHOICE, if you don't want the risk you don't have to play.<br><br>Whats next encase everyone is kevlar shells? Come on.<br><br>I shouldn't be surprised, it is direct reflection of our "KINDER-GENTLER" society. <p></p><i></i>
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I'd be happy to be more involved

Post by Duluthhockeyfan »

I'd be happy to be more involved, however, I enjoy working and giving my time directly to the kids. If the rules would change to allow involvement while continuing to coach I'd be all for it.<br><br>I was probably was a little over-zealous with my earlier comments, I know coaches in all 12 districts that wrote letters to directors and so on down the list and yet it still passes. There are a lot of coaches who have been doing this a long time that have a lot to offer and are good for hockey that are very peeved at this and I'm not saying they are going to quit but I don't think MH thought it through.<br><br>So with that, I accept your apology, please accept mine.<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Hand shake

Post by elliott70 »

<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :D --><img src= ALT=":D"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Hand shake

Post by east hockey »

Attaway, guys. Props to you both.<br><br>Lee<br><br> <p>____________<br>Message Board arsonist since 2005<br>Egomaniac since 2006</p><i></i>
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Listen to the Coaches

Post by Knowlze »

Yah, glad you guys made up, but don't lose the focus, this issue is important.<br><br>The quality of hockey is directly proportional to the quality of our youth coaches. Listen to these guys, don't risk losing anymore quality coaches because of excessive regulations. Very important we let these guys coach, they know best if they need a helmet or not.<br><br>Bottom line - same issue as many on this board (and in life), governments/USA Hockey/MAHA/MSHSL must let people make their own choices regarding things that affect their own lives. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Listen to the Coaches

Post by BauerHockey08 »

Does anyone know if the high school coaches will have to wear helmets or would this just be for the volunteer youth coaches? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Listen to the Coaches


This will not include the H.S coaches. USA hockey and Minnesota Hockey are not involved with H.S. hockey at all.<br><br>I am extremely disappointed with the news that I heard. I believe is should be up to the coaches to decide if they want to wear a helmet or not. I am not denying that some coaches have gotten hurt, but I have been around the game for 25+ years now and have never seen a coach hurt seriously yet. The percentages are so low that this is just crazy. I much more likely to be killed by the zamboni driver driving the zamboni to the local store to buy a candy bar and he accidentally runs me over in the parking lot. Ok, maybe that’s a bit of a stretch, but you get my point.<br><br>Minnesota Hockey, please rethink this decision. Create a legal waiver and let the coaches decide. Or at least let us current coaches be grandfathered in.<br> <p></p><i></i>
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Post by RLStars »

Duluthhockey<br><br>I just bought a nearly new Bauer HH5000 with a Jofa bubble cage on E-bay for my son for less than 40.00. I also got an HH4000 for myself to wear when I coach for 10.00 plus 5.00 shipping. <br><br>By the way, I purchased my helmet after witnessing a coach get taken out from behind and hit his head on the ice. Followed by some pretty intense minutes waiting for him to open his eyes and start talking. 15.00 seemed a heck of a lot less money to spend then the ambulance ride and several days in the hospital. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Helmet

Post by CoachGuy »

I took a slap shot off the shin last night at practice. Can we institute a shin pad policy as well? Its a travishamockery. Ive got a kid on the way so anybody who wants to donate some cash feel free because i wont stop coaching, but my baby might need to poop down his/her leg for a few months. <p></p><i></i>
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