2005 United States Under-17 Select Team

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lol McDonald

Post by bigroy07 »

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Saw Saccetti (sp) play in Duluth during the 89 tourney held Mars/Lakeview the weekend of the 14th. Was impressed with his ability but was unimpressed by his lack of sportsmanship. He speared two of our players in the first period, one he speared in the back after the kid picked his pocket and the second he pitchforked after one of our D stopped him on a 1 on 1. The second one he skated up to the kid behind the play waited for the ref to look away and gave him a spear to the ribs. Both plays against him were totally clean and easy, he just looked bad getting beat by them, after all he's awesome. After the first period he came by our box, I told him "I saw both spears and if I saw another one, I would send a player out to run a stick through him", he said "Bring it on" and my comment was "You don't understand; I'm not joking". He pretty much kept to himself the rest of the game. I know there are bleeding hearts out there that will say I was over the line threatening one of Minnesota's up and coming, but you know what, he got the message. We lost 6 - 4 in a well played clean game other than his first period antics. Maybe that's why USA Hockey passed on him, he isn't a class act.... <hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>hahahahaha ok McDonald. who are u gunna send after him? stostkoff? HAHAHAHAHA Nico told me about that after u said it to him... Sayin that he pretty much kept to himself the rest of the game? U think you scared him or what? lol ur pathetic... Sayin' Nico Isn't A Class Act is pretty Ironic... Look at Yourself before u make statements like that, McDonald... lol, How many arena's have u been kicked out of? How many people in warroad Support you? none... You are tru disgrace, I remember on the bantam message board u would always tell Garret Corneliuson how not good he was... Real Mature, Jim... Tell your own son, Mark, to up his skill before u start tellin other kids they suck... <br><br>By The Way, You're welcome for me and ben's support on that kick-in in the first game of the duluth tourny on Friday... although we wanted it to be a goal, it was definately a kick in so we had to let it be known... but keep your mouth shut cuz nico would walk all over your kid a thousand times over <p></p><i></i>
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Re: lol McDonald

Post by HockeyDogs »

He Bigroy dang lets not get so personal here chezzzzzzzzzzz Chill out. Nico is a great player i agree but there are players out there and they will do just as good of job on the ice or better. Jake Johnson, Tyler Johnson Luke Davis and John Stampohar. Nico skated with these guys last summer and they worked great together. I don't know who your mad at but don't have to fight about our great players in this state lets back them up<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :hat --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/pimp.gif ALT=":hat"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=http://p074.ezboard.com/bmnhs.showUserP ... keyDogs</A> at: 9/2/05 8:12 pm<br></i>
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Re: lol McDonald

Post by bigroy07 »

lolim not fightin about any GOOD players, just Jim McDonals kid <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :rollin --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/roll.gif ALT=":rollin"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><br>and jeez shut up about the ice dogs.... <p></p><i></i>
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Re: lol McDonald

Post by crosscheck »

Jim McDonald has no sons. Only daughters. He is a great person, whom you have mentioned incorrectly on this board. Another reason not to get personal in your rantings. I believe you owe Jim an apology! <p></p><i></i>
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Renegade Ram

Post by bear11 »

I will agree with big roy on this one - Renegade Ram has been kicked off this board more than once. His problem is that he thinks he knows everything and can not keep his mouth shut. No coach should ever threaten a player on the ice - if so he has no place in hockey. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Renegade Ram

Post by bigroy07 »

Maybe his first name ain't jim, idk... but his kid is Mark, and i don't owe him an apology at all...maybe an apology for beatin warroad 3 times last year and defeated his Mainstreet Allstar team, lol he doesn't even deserve that... he's an idiot and i could get thousand's of people to back me and agree on that...<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :rollin --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/roll.gif ALT=":rollin"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Renegade Ram

Post by bigroy07 »

K Nevermind.. his names not Jim, It's bill... but still, <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :rollin --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/roll.gif ALT=":rollin"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: lol McDonald

Post by HockeyDogs »

Bigroy i am not going to sit here and argue with you about this and that<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :hat --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/pimp.gif ALT=":hat"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> Again YOUR JUST A GOALIE BIG ROY<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :rollin --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/roll.gif ALT=":rollin"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> you get in the net and stop the puck<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/smile.gif ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> its pretty simple. Your not a scout or someone who has the knowledge to compare or ranking players<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/smile.gif ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> You should work harder on your own game to get yourself on the ranking list in the state of Hockey. I feel your a Good Solid Goalie but if you were in a Class of Goalies like Ellingson or Marchuk then you could open your mouth like you have. For some reason you don't like Warroad or some coach from Warroad maybe because they kick The Rams Butt every year for the Last 5 yrs<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :hat --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/pimp.gif ALT=":hat"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> Let take a look at your Roseau rams Pee Wee A Coach? To me the way he yells and complains and puts his players down that is not a good Coach<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/smile.gif ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: lol McDonald

Post by bigroy07 »

hahahahahaha k marchuk and ellingson aren't even that good, seriously... you talkin up ur ice dogs is gettin so annoyin... and what do u have againsts goalies? You are a complete idiot and everyone on this board thinks so...<br><br>And.. I've <!--EZCODE UNDERLINE START--><span style="text-decoration:underline"><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>NEVER</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--></span><!--EZCODE UNDERLINE END--> lost to a Warroad team in my life... Got nothin against Warroad, I have a lot of friends that live in Warroad... Also, i have said nothin about my skill as a goaltender... so sayin' that i need to up my skill before i open my mouth made no sense because i haven't said anythin about me...<br><br>and why are u bringin up coaches? i've said nothin about Bill's ability as a coach, i was talkin' about his choice of actions at and/or around the arena... All coaches have different tactics when it comes to coachin THEIR team, Bill could possibly be a good coach, he also might be a terrible coach. I don't know i've never played for him so i'm not liable to make an assumption such as that...<br><br>so please, shut up about the ice dogs, and when you're goin' to try make me look stupid, make sure that it's coherent with the current subject, jeez.. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: lol McDonald

Post by HockeyDogs »

bigroy07<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :hat --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/pimp.gif ALT=":hat"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> You are not even close to being the goalie Ellingson is<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :rollin --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/roll.gif ALT=":rollin"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> You do have a smart mouth on you for such a young man<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/smile.gif ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> You should really think before you speak Bigroy beacause what ever you say can never be retrieved<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :smokin --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/smokin.gif ALT=":smokin"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> Think about that one<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START 8o --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/nerd.gif ALT="8o"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> I have nothing against goalies they are just a different breed and its not easy finding outstanding goalies like Ellingson<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/smile.gif ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> I don't see your name on the Elite 1 or the Elite 2 roster? Whats up with that Bigroy.Roseau made a huge mistake couple years back by running out there home town goalie born and raised there playing for the Rams all the way through the youth program and recruited a new goalie that was not even close to being as good Jason Guy. When Roseau did that many lost respect for a small school who was known for not recruiting and using there home grown players players<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :rollin --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/roll.gif ALT=":rollin"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=http://p074.ezboard.com/bmnhs.showUserP ... keyDogs</A> at: 9/4/05 8:15 pm<br></i>
east hockey
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Re: lol McDonald

Post by east hockey »

A couple of you need to back off and take a deep breath.<br><br>Lee <p>____________<br>Message Board arsonist since 2005</p><i></i>
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Re: lol McDonald

Post by bigroy07 »

I Have Never Heard Of Ellingson Until You Talked Him Up Like He's Tretiak Or Somethin... And Believe Me, I Know What I've Said In Here Or Have Said In The Past And I Know It Can't Be Retrieved... I Probley Know About That On A Whole Nother Level Then You, So Quit With The Life-Lesson... So You're An Older Guy, Eh? Wouldn't Have Guessed That... I'da Probley Guessed 14, But Hey We All Mature At Different Ages, Right Guy? & Yes, I Don't beleive In Recruitin' And Was/Am Ashamed That Roseau had Stooped To That Level...<br><br>And The Elite 2 Was 500 Bones, Some People Can't Afford To Be Tossin' Paper Like That... You Got A Problem With That?<br><br>But Anyway, Nice To Know That There's Adults Out There That Spend There Life On A Youth Hockey Forum Talkin' Up 1 Team For Their Life... Wow, What Some People Do With Their Time, I Tell Ya..<br><br>Sorry, East... Don't Mean To Be Cloggin' The Thread's With Such Argument's As This, But I'm Not Goin' To Just Sit Back & Let Him Slam Teams & Talk Up Teams...<br><br>If You Wanna Call It Good, Dogs, We Can Just Keep Our Disagreements About Eachother & Eachothers Opinions To Ourselves, To A Certain Degree...I Mean That's What A Hockey Forum Is About Is To Discuss, And Inevitably Argue, Over Different Subjects... But I'm Ready To Step Up And Stop The Constant Arguin Right Now... Isn't Fair To Other Board Members To Have To Listen To Us... So, If You're Done Arguin'... I am As Well? It's Your Move, HockeyDogs? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: lol McDonald

Post by HockeyDogs »

Never wanted to argue with you was just correcting you thats all. I played hockey just like you and for the record i am not a old man yet lol<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :D --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/happy.gif ALT=":D"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> Born in 86 i think you were born in 89 correct<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/smile.gif ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> I played with many of the best players from roseau and they are good friends of mine like Alex Lundblom, Jason Guy, and many from Warroad also Josh Brodeen, TJ Oshie and Kyle Hardwick. So i don't want t argue but i will tell you that I used to Skate for the Northern Wings when i was a young skater and yes i still play hockey<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/smile.gif ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :hat --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/pimp.gif ALT=":hat"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br>Since you don't want to Here the Teams name the ICE DOGS just for the recorded i skated for them also 3 yrs <p></p><i></i>
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Re: lol McDonald

Post by bigroy07 »

Congrat's... And Yes I'm an '89 <p></p><i></i>
Renegade Ram
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Sean Biermaier...let's talk.

Post by Renegade Ram »

Sean Biermaier, I mean bigroy07 - whatever. Wasn't sure if I should respond to a 15 year old kid that hasn't even practiced a single second at the HS level but as many times as you posted on this I figured you were looking for a response. So here goes, the thread asked Why not Nicco, I gave a plasible option nothing more. When I said he kept to himself I think you know I meant he actually played Hockey not Spoiled Brat pitchfork'em cause they took my puck. But you seemed to want to make something out of that. If you read back I said I was impressed with his skills as a player not with his attitude. You said after the game he told you about my comment. Was he laughing when he talked about spearing those players? Did you laugh with him? Notice he also didn't toss another spear after the first period? What's your feeling on having a player or two on YOUR team get speared? The way you toss your blocker around when the net gets crashed I'm betting you'd get a little bananas too if you saw such blatant disregard for players safety. Then; you really don't know squat about me so you start attacking Mark. I highly doubt you'd tell him he wasn't welcome in your locker room if he showed up with a bag and stick to play on a team you played for. A six footer clearing guys out in front of you would probably be OK. I know it was frustrating for him to keep Nelson & Landman to the outside of the dots and have them shoot from the outside below the hash marks and see the puck wind up in the back of the net. I saw at least five of them throughout last season against you guys. Those guys are definitely snipers but really, from there, I think you'd have pulled yourself.<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :rolleyes --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/eyes.gif ALT=":rolleyes"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> Yes, he was also torched by those two, but tell me, how many defensemen that your team played last season weren't, I seriously doubt he was the only one because there were three more on his team alone that were. In fact, throughout last season and this summer I've had nothing but good things to say about the 89er's & 90's from Roseau including yourself but you start throwing knives when I call out one of your summer teammates for playing DIRTY. This is the second time you've outed me on a board the first when you were a board creator. So I don't think you understand the concept of a message board. I also seemed to have missed the article on Sean Beirmaier signing a Letter of Intent to a Division 1 school, OH that hasn't happened yet<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START >D --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/grin.gif ALT=" >D"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> ...so don't be too quick to judge other players. Remember you haven't accomplished ANYTHING as of yet as a player yourself, MY Section 8 Champ medal still hides in the bottom of my trinket box, so like DogCoach says be careful about what you write, you can't take it back. Does Oliver approve of his players posting on this board, from what I've seen before I don't think so. So you must be planning on being a Bomber this season. For Bear11, I was banned last season for using a witty yet risque' metaphore about a player. And Sean I was playing Shinny with your Uncle Chip on the hallowed north rink long before you were a twinkle in your dad's eye. XXXOOO.<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :lol --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/laugh.gif ALT=":lol"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>