Duluth East's Coach Randolph fired

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Re: East Bantam Hockey

Post by cloquet99 »

Pitoscia has been a little outspoken about Randolph but have to give the man credit for standing up for what he believs in. Pit's a good guy but heard he may have more problems than just finding ice. I guess his budget last year for his bantam team was over 35k and it is under investigation right now. The saga continues over money and east hockey. Go Jacks!! <p></p><i></i>
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East Bantam

Post by Duluthhockeyfan »

Uncomfirmed however I was told there was no investigation going on about the East Bantam Budget. Also heard that they were given back their ice privledges at the arena. Don't know if either thing is true, but I did some digging and that is what I was told. Probably the right decision about the ice. That could have gotten ugly. <p></p><i></i>
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East Bantams

Post by cloquet99 »

Hope you are right about the money thing but I'm not sure. I just hope DAHA doesn't drive another good coach out of the system. Pit did a hell of a job with that Bantam team last year, they kicked it in at the end. Also hearing DAHA is going to come down on the A coaches and not let them run the fall pee wee and bantam camps as big fundraisers for there teams anymore, they want to control the camps and split up the profits among all teams. More socialism, I just wish they would leave these guys and their checkbooks alone. Those A teams need those camps to fund their big budgets. Maybe they can sell wreaths instead. Go Jacks!!! <p></p><i></i>
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new East Coach

Post by dumpitin »

word on the street is some guy named D. McClean could get the East job. Who is this guy? <p></p><i></i>
Eddie Shore
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Re: new East Coach

Post by Eddie Shore »

Dave McLean? If it's the same guy we're talking about....former Eden Prairie resident who moved back up to Duluth and bought Stewart's sporting goods store. I think that's a reach. I don't know that he's ever coached above the Pee Wee level. Anybody else up there heard this one or know if there's any validity to it?<br><br>Like I've written in this string before....good luck to whomever takes that job. I don't believe it will be an enjoyable experience this year. <p></p><i></i>
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Serty and Knapper together again

Post by Duluthhockeyfan »

Dave McLean is not going to be the next coach at East..........He has been fight in the Randolph camp since this whole thing started. Dave Letourneau is probably the Dave you are thinking of. He was the former PeeWee coach out East a few years ago. However there is a rumor going around that Mike Sertich and Jim Knapp will be back in the sadle together. Apparently the (unconfirmed) that the administration a East wants to get a big name in there to help smooth this over. However, like Eddie said, none of the big names want anything to do with it because it is a loose loose. The only chance there really is, is Todd Wentworth, or Dave Letourneau. The have both coached in the system for many years, both know most of the kids, and here is the kicker, both could get kids to leave Marshal for East. But I agree with Eddie, its not going to be easy for anyone. <br><br>final note: Also heard the current East PeeWee coach has applied. Christain Koelling (sp) former Jefferson Jag. <p></p><i></i>
JLS 81
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Who Wants the Job?

Post by JLS 81 »

Put Laura Knapp behind the bench. Seriously who on earth wants that powder keg position. Any coach with an ounce of discernment would not even touch that mess. I think Jim Knapp is smart enough not to walk into that position. If he took that job it would be at the pressure of the wife for sure.<br> Like I said before East will be unstable now for years (hope I am wrong) with 3 year coaching stints. Gone are the days of the 15-20 year coach. Sad but true. East (15 years out) will not put up the record Randolph did I would lay money on that. <p></p><i></i>
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Eight finalists named

Post by east hockey »

From WDIO-TV:<br><br>1. Todd Wentworth<br>2. Scott Mathias<br>3. Dave LeTourneau<br>4. Christian Koelling<br>5. Ben Johnson (former East player)<br>6. Dan Doyle (Denfeld JV coach)<br>7. James Hoppe <br>8. Terry Halver<br><br>In no particular order. <br><br>Let the predictions begin in earnest, I guess.<br><br>Lee <p></p><i></i>
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Post by petey1321 »

Christian graduated in my class, and I sure think that would be cool to have somebody my age coaching a high school team. My only question about that is if coaches at East need to be teachers. I'm sure some of you up there would know, but unless Christian has done some serious extra schooling, he's at least a year away from graduating from college. Like I said, I'm pulling for him to get the job; I'm just wondering if they'd allow somebody who probably hasn't even graduated from college yet to be coaching a high school varsity team like East.<br><br>Thoughts? <p></p><i></i>
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Pitosha and Johnson jumped ship

Post by seaside1 »

Didn't you hear? Pitosha jumped Randolph's ship about two weeks ago. Called one of the other candidates for the job and pledged his 100% support. Talk about standing up for what you believe in?? I don't think it matters to Pitosha. He will say and do whatever it takes to serve himself. Saw Scott Johnson--the outspoken father of 2 players and a half--Gamst also talking and suporting the same candidate. Now what do you suppose he wanted? Just wanted to make sure that his the new coach knew who his sons were?? This is a joke!! Randolph supporters don't care about him--only what will serve them best. <p></p><i></i>
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Come on

Post by Duluthhockeyfan »

I wouldn't believe that unless I heard it from one of them myself. They are both strong supporters of Randolph. I would be willing to bet on that. This is getting out of hand.<br><br>Is that list of candidates confirmed? <br><br>I say Wentworth or Letourneau <p></p><i></i>
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East Coaching

Post by cloquet99 »

My sources tell me the team is supporting Wentworth. I heard the same thing about Scott Johnson, once he finally realized the king was dead, he jumped ship and pledged support for Wentworth. A year ago he was Randolphs biggest critic and threatend to transfer his kids to Hill Murray, or USHL. I can't believe my man Pit would do the same but it's a crazy hockey world out there. I think Mike's done a great job with the program and whoever gets it has a tough act to follow. Lot of people wondering if Mike was so good why isn't going on to the coach in the USHL for 100k/yr with the record he has had. Anybody know if any USHL teams are after Randolph? He may even be better at the next level. Sure beats all the aggravation he has had for 4500/yr and a few wreath rebates. Long live the King!! Go Jacks!!<br> <p></p><i></i>
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Post by dumpitin »

Isn't Scott Johnson the guy who picked up his marbles and moved his kids to a different squirt rink in Duluth a few years ago so they could win the city championship? If it is the same guy at least he is consistent. Can't believe McClean isn't a finalist, but Scotty Mathias would be a great pick--he's worked with these kids for years and knows the game. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Hounds

Post by onthebeach45 »

End of the Randolph saga is near. New coach to be named next week. All of supporters have left him and are jumping on the bandwagon of their favorite candidate. Also have heard Scott Johnson has broken from Randolph camp. Privately he is saying his kids wouldn't play for Wentworth.<br>I'm not sure what their options would be. People in East End will soon realize Laurie Knapp did them a big favor. Randolph should have had a better record with the talent he was given. <p></p><i></i>
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Johnson Boys

Post by lwo3 »

If Phil and Robbie leave the Hounds where would they play next year? Would Gamst still be able to stay at their house to finish off his senior year? This could be a devastating blow for Hound hockey. Nice job administration! <p></p><i></i>
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East Hockey

Post by onthebeach45 »

I heard that the Johnson's are housing the Gamst kid. Is that true? I guess when he was made a captain it caused quite a rift inside the East ranks. A couple returning seniors that came up thru the system were a bit unhappy to say the least when they were overlooked. <p></p><i></i>
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Post by Duluthhockeyfan »

Well those poor babies. Disappointed they weren't named captains and an outsider was. That in itself shows they don't deserve to be one. A captain should show leadership, and should try to strive in the face of adversity and set a positive example. Not whine when they don't get their way. But why should we be surprised, look at the whiny parents they have. Its just another example of the spoiled rotten East end of Duluth. I once heard a coach out east say "For any East team to win, you first have to get all that Cake out of them" Truer words have never been spoken. But until this whole thing started I didn't know the parents were included in that. If I were the parent of an East player I would open enroll to Cloquet. If I was a parent I would be pushing for AAA Midget. Go Hunters. <p></p><i></i>
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East Coach

Post by cloquet99 »

Anybody know why Terry Johnson didn't apply for the Coaching position at East? I think he is an alumni, has been involved in the program for years and did a great job with the JV from what I hear. He apparently has had a tough 2003 as he lost his job at the power company and then took the fall in the wreath money scandal. <p></p><i></i>
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Terry Johnson

Post by pucklover7 »

Terry didn't apply because of one reason, and this may seem like a stretch to most people in the East end. But he stayed out of it because he is loyal. If you can imagine someone being loyal in this whole thing. I don't believe he took the fall for the wreath sale either, there is absolutly nothing wrong with the wreath sale. <br><br>Here's what I don't get. Randolph runs hockey schools, all summer long, and another in the fall, all this money he could keep and no one would be able to say word one about it, because they are his hockey schools, not the East High Schools. All that money minus his cost and a few other things, he donated back to the program. thousands of dollars mind you. Than for the sure enjoyment of watching kids go and sell Christmas wreaths, he keeps, or does something wrong or illegal with that money. Come on does that make any sense to anyone. There was absolutly no wrong doing with the wreath money, that is why when the audit came back all of those involved in the anti-Randolph birgade shut up and didn't talk about. <br><br>I do have one question? Has the identity of Deep Throat ever come out? I know I have heard rumors of a couple of people but has anyone ever come clean? <p></p><i></i>
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East Coach

Post by dumpitin »

Supposedly Randolph and Wentworth did not get along when Wentworth coached East's bantams. How did Todd end up with the JV job anyway if Randolph picked this coach? <p></p><i></i>
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Post by cloquet99 »

I agree with you Pucklover, I don't think these guys ran off with the money. I just wish they would have turned there chekbook over to the school district when they asked for it. I agree it is none of the districts business where the money went but I guess some people think that is a little shady. People have also made a big deal about Larry Trashel, one of the assistance, getting kickbacks on every wreath they sold. I guess if he had come clean on that up front would have been better than the press digging that up. Personelly I think he should get some money back, after all he set up the whole thing for the program. I hear Batesy might be coming back to Gods country. Would love to have him. Go Jacks!!! <p></p><i></i>
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Is page going to finally die?

Post by Duluthhockeyfan »

Is there nothing left to talk about until the next coach is named Thursday? <p></p><i></i>
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East High

Post by onthebeach45 »

Thursday will be a big day for the Hounds camp. Hopefully they make a good choice. I am hearing more and more how much money Mike made off this program. I guess the summer camp for the team was always $200 when Mike was doing it and this summer it dropped to a 100, the amount to cover the cost of the ice. Was he making 100 a kid on 40 kids every summer? I'm not a math major but isn't that 4,000. Maybe this explains why he fought so hard to keep the job. Anybody know anything about this? <p></p><i></i>
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Summer Camps

Post by lwo3 »

I do not think Coach made as much money as you think. the best players never had to pay anything. <p></p><i></i>
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Camp Money

Post by pucklover7 »

First if you couldn't afford to go he would still let you in. Second, the money he made from the camp went was donated to the high school team. He didn't make anymoney. You can find it on the internet, all the money dealings, through the East End Booster Club. It was donated to the 503c non-profit organization which in turn donated to the high school hockey program. Thats what doesn't make sense. Why keep wreathe money when he could legitimently keep the camp money. Even if he did keep the camp money why would that be wrong. He is a Teacher for God sakes, aren't they underpaid enough, so what if he were to supliment his income by using his expertise and running some hockey camps. Even if he would have used that as a personal money maker it would have been fine. <br>The other thing, Larry Trachsel's kick-back from the wreath fundraiser was the East Hockey team paid a lower unit price than say the Hill-Murray Hockey team or whoever was using it as a fundraiser. Larry didn't receive a check every Christmas from the Wreath Co. This East kids paid $6.00 a wreath when someone else may pay $7.00 a wreath. <br>People are quick judge when they don't know the facts. The facts are these guys did a lot for kids in the East End of Duluth, unfortuately that gets lost in all of it. Any reasonable person knows you can't keep everyone happy, and of course parents of cut hockey players aren't reasonable. Its amazing people want to coach at all anymore. <p></p><i></i>