Jefferson vs. Grand Rapids 1/7/05

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Re: Jefferson vs. Grand Rapids 1/7/05

Post by shutout »

I have seen both teams play and I think that the Jags are much deeper then the Thunderhawks. Jefferson's first and second line will be able to handle Rapids first line and it will be a total mismatch with the Jags second and third line against Rapids second and third line. <br><br>Also a big advantage in the nets, Rapids goalie is very inexperienced and will struggle with the Jags depth coming at him. I was impressed with number 3 on defense for the hawks but thought it dropped off from there.<br><br>Jags - 4<br>Hawks - 1 <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Jefferson vs. Grand Rapids 1/7/05

Post by gr19 »

"I don't think as a team that GR can handle BJ's team speed"<br><br>well, I'm sure that will motivate the guys in black and orange. 2shay.<br><br>"Also a big advantage in the nets, Rapids goalie is very inexperienced and will struggle with the Jags depth coming at him"<br><br>Jensen stats wise is the best goalie in 7AA. I don't know how he's "very inexperienced". He's started every game but the Greenway game this year. <br><br>Jefferson's goalie is very fundamentally sound too. I'd say it's a tie in nets. <br><br>I watched Jefferson vs. Centennial and the Jags are absolutely nothing GR can't skate with. They aren't the early 90's jags and GR this season has their best team in quite a while. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Jefferson vs. Grand Rapids 1/7/05

Post by shutout »

I feel even more confident if the boys in black and orange ( I guess you are ashamed of their name) would need someone on this board to motivate them.<br><br>In regards to the goalie experience: Lee has played in every game for two years and the Elite league. Jensen every game this year. Explain to me moron how that is not an advantage?<br><br>This Jags team is not the caliber of the early 90's. Like this Rapids team is the caliber of the 95 team either. You say that you saw the Jags play Centennial, you mean the team that lost in overtime to the team that took Holy Angels to a shootout the following night.<br><br>While you were watching that game in your cave I was watching your Thunderchickens getting their butts kicked over at Breamar Arena in Edina by Eden Prairie who the Jags schooled a week earlier.<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Post by elliott70 »

Is that more on than off?<br><br>?????<br>Why? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: moron????

Post by gr19 »

The players put no meaning into anything said on here. Explain to me how losing by one goal is getting kicked? And I don't get how Jensen can't be as good a goalie because he didn't play last season on varsity. That means nothing. There are many HS players playing their first season this year that are better than those with more experience. Experience is overrated. Jensen is a solid goalie, period. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: moron????

Post by boblee »

I wouldn't say at all that Edina and Eden Prairie kicked Grand Rapids all over Braemar. GR lost 3-2 in overtime and 2-1. I don't care what anyone says, a one goal game is nothing to be ashamed of...especially against good opponents. <p><br><br>_________________<br><br>BOB</p><i></i>
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Re: Thunderchickens

Post by shutout »

GR19:<br><br>I cannot keep up with your retractions. First you say "that will motivate the boys in orange and black 2shay" and then you say that "none of the players will react to anything said on this board." WHICH IS IT?<br><br>The Jags have more depth up front, better goaltending and about equal defense. You never know who is going to win a high school hockey game, but the only way that Rapids has a chance is if the Jags don't play their best, if both teams play their best Jefferson will win! <p></p><i></i>
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Post by gr19 »

I suppose every game they've lost they didn't play their best. Had they played their best they would be undefeated all time. What a joke. <p></p><i></i>
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Post by cuda701 »

Have to strongly disagree with "experience being overrated". I can't say that's true with much of anything.<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START ;) --><img src= ALT=";)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Post by gr19 »

This is Jensen's first year and he's a junior. Save % of 92.9. Take my statement about experience with some balance. I meant to say it's overrated, or perhaps unbalanced in the way shutout is viewing it. Experience is certainly good, but it's not everything. Sometimes you're just either good or you're not, no matter the experience. <p></p><i></i>
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Post by shutout »

GR19:<br><br>If they played their best every game they would be undefeated. <br>So you are saying if you play someone better then you but you play YOUR best you will win!<br><br>These comments just keep getting better! <p></p><i></i>
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Post by shutout »

Cuda:<br><br>At least there is someone that understands that playing two years, playing in a state tournament, playing in the Elite League definately would give you an advantage over someone with 8 games of experience! <p></p><i></i>
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doesn't matter

Post by gr19 »

Are the goalies shooting on each other? That's the way you make it sound. Whatever Jefferson's goalie has done last year isn't going to make a difference in how effective Jensen is against Jefferson's skaters. Just because Jensen has only played 8 games doesn't mean he's inferior to the Jaguar goalie. Maybe the Jaguar goalie needed all that experience to be that good, maybe Jensen just IS that good. Bottom line, 2 good goalies, should be a low scoring game and close with 2 very good, evenly matched teams. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: doesn't matter

Post by shutout »

Tell Jensen to put some sunscreen on the back of his neck so he doesn't get sunburned from the red light going on so often.<br><br>Austin "The Wall" Lee will put on a show! <p></p><i></i>
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GR vs SLP and now Jags

Post by scottgolf »

GR had no goals disallowed vs SLP...that comment (heard secondhand) is sour grapes, wishful thinking, or both. By the way, what is a disallowed goal -- one that doesn't go in (except in someone's mind), or one that goes in after the whistle blows? Objective fans of this game know the better team won and that Park's defense kept GR to low percentage shots and the goalie was outstanding. We'll see if Park can keep it rolling in a couple hours against BSM. <br><br>I would be quite surprised if GR can hold up under the Jags attack based upon Schwan's performance where the Jags, although not as polished and AHA or CENT, were clearly as powerful as anyone, and they suffered a bit of bad luck from the state's best goalie. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: GR vs SLP and now Jags

Post by gr19 »

How did Jefferson lose to Lakeville North? Rapids beat them 2-1. Seems to me this will be an evenly matched game.<br><br>Two of the goals in the SLP game, I was told, the SLP goalie saved the puck a foot inside the net. One the puck was on the ice a foot past the line and the goalie kicked it out, the other was a glove save where his glove was inside the net. That was the report I got. I can't remember the situation on the 3rd one. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: GR vs SLP and now Jags

Post by koren808 »

I think it will be Jefferson 4, Grand Rapids 1. Jefferson wears down GR as the game goes on. <p>-------------------<br><br>Catholics have churches, fat people have Wisconsin, and I have the Pawtucket Patriot brewery.- Peter Griffin</p><i></i>
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Re: GR vs SLP and now Jags

Post by hockeyJ »

True true GR, the jags did lose to lakeville north, but in the worst game they've played in a long time.....since then they are some 6or7 -1 with the loss coming to centennial after the jags had the lead the whole game down to the last 8-10 minutes. now you guys beat lakeville north, the jags lost to them, you guys lost to EP by a goal and the jags beat'em by 3. You can go back and forth about "well this team loss to this team and that team beat this team so it will be evenly matched" blah blah blah, The jags are completly healthy now, they came out tonight vs lakeville south, 8-0 win with about 50+ shots, LaBombard with the hat. Things are looking good for the jags coming into saturday's game. I'm sure GR and the boys from Grand Rapids are pumped, i'm excited to see how this plays out <p></p><i></i>
JLS 81
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Holy Cow

Post by JLS 81 »

GR19 you got to stop being a nut and calm down. No need to be sparring with shutout over this game. It will come down to a 1 goal game either way all depending on how the Rapids defensemen handle the forecheck and adjustments are made. You are doing the club you claim you love no good spouting nonsense. Stick to healthy debate over this game not a sparring match with shutout and others. <br>I think we need a Cage match between Shutout and GR19 with proceeds to fund the lavish Minnhock suite at Excel for the tourney. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Holy Cow

Post by gr19 »

Didn't we argue equally? BTW, a player I know would let me know if I were out of line. And I wanted to figure out the basis of shutout's reasoning. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Holy Cow

Post by gr19 »

hockeyJ, I brought up those games with Lakeville North just to show shutout this game isn't as lopsided as he makes it out to be. In my mind Rapids is a slight underdog in this game, but it is very winnable for them. It won't be the upset of the century if they won. I knew some one would say what you did, but that's not what I meant to do, just one example to show this isn't a HS team vs. the Detroit Red Wings.<br><br>Oh yes, which reminds me, hehehe. JLS 81, how'd you like the game Tuesday night? The Wild beat the Red Wings. <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :p --><img src= ALT=":p"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
JLS 81
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Post by JLS 81 »

I cannot dis' my AHA rippin' tag team partner shutout but suffice to say I think he may be a little off on his prediction on the Powder Blue Jags and Fabulous Thunderbirds tilt. So a little advise to go easy on my amigo GR. You need to get Bruce to put you on the short leash not a high shool player when you be acting a fool. <br><br>The Wings are not the same without my boy Darren McCarty soul of the team is gone. Not enough skilled guys to regroup and attack like days of old. Time to bring Bowman back and school your newbie Wild. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: GR19

Post by gr19 »

I think you make our argument to be bigger than it is. Actually, you usually blow my posts WAY out of proportion like the 6:00 news. Besides, I didn't resort to name calling this time. <br><br>Actually, that wouldn't matter, about Bowman, Lemaire owns him head to head. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... hs>GR19</A> at: 1/6/06 12:57 am<br></i>
JLS 81
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Re: GR19

Post by JLS 81 »

back off from the hash pipe amigo. <p></p><i></i>
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Post by boblee »

Ok, let the players play. It will be a great hockey game. The who beat who's do not matter. With LoBombard healthy, it could mean trouble for the Thunderhawks. <p><br><br>_________________<br><br>BOB</p><i></i>