Mounds View is likely looking for a new coach

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Re: Nitti to WB


Good call Cuda. Obviously Nitti knows alot more about hockey<br>than the knuckle head parents at MV gave him credit for. If WB wants him he's bringing something to the table trust me. Shloppy's rambling piece sounded like a disgruntled parent in disguise not an ex player as he claimed- if you were a player shloppy you should brush up on your knowledge of the game first so you make sense when you try to talk hockey. No wonder Nitti didn't play you. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... y>OFFSIDES GUY</A> at: 8/3/05 7:47 am<br></i>
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Re: Nitti to WB

Post by Chico »

If this move really takes place, has anyone heard any rumors on possible candidates? I wonder if any of the assistant coaches were offered the job at all? I would not think they would take it anyway.<br> <p></p><i></i>
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Rumor has it

Post by Cardinal0512 »

The reason he got fired is because he was caught on tape after several warnings leaving the parking lot while attending it during school hours going to McDonalds, etc. That's from a pretty good source too, so we'll see if MV or Nitti every exbound on that. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Rumor has it


Hey Cardinal your source is way off base. Did some checking Nitti still has his job at the school if he wanted it. School job had nothing to do with his not being renewed for hockey. Right from the admin's mouth " divide in the community " is what their hiding behind - read between the lines- we couldn't handle the couple loud disgruntled parents who were dissapointed that "Wilbur" wasn't a star, on the power play, Captain etc. They caved plain and simple. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Mounds View is likely looking for a new coach

Post by Dusey »

Off base is sugar coating it with regards to Cardinal0512.<br>He must have been cut from a .500 team or his daddy is writing on his behalf, either way, it's sour grapes. The folks in charge over there should have stepped up to the plate and told the disgruntled parents where the bear does his business in the woods. There are indications that the School Board and Administration are feeling some "Pressure.................." from the Nitti supporters. We'll see how this plays out. They may be realizing that the Nitti supporters are a lot larger and more powerful group than the few detractors that got their attention previously. The admin has made mucho mistakes in the past, but this is a "dusey". I'am going to a venture a guess that Tylenol P.M. sales are up in their neighborhood, cause without them, they couldn't sleep at night after this one. If you want to attend some interesting meetings, the MV School Board, the MVYHA, and the Booster Club should prove titillating. So Cardinal0512, (you "Tiny" little bird) fly south for the winter and enjoy the "Tex"as heat. <br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Mounds View is likely looking for a new coach

Post by BSIII »

My goodness, where did this "Dusey" guy come from. He hit it right on the head. Welcome to the club Dusey. You must have done some reading as I have at:<br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Mounds View is likely looking for a new coach


Great piece Dusey. We both know that the admin & school board are too weak to correct an obvious mistake and admit they caved to pressure. Simpler to hope it goes away- judging from BS111 comments sounds like it's just getting started. Good for them. Hockey people are a loyal, passionate group and don't like getting screwed. Hey BS111 how do we become part of this " Nitti support group"? Don't have alot of experience over there but as an ex coach this stuff burns me. Keep the heat on, make them squirm and don't let them off the hook with their double talk- I love it. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... y>OFFSIDES GUY</A> at: 8/5/05 8:04 am<br></i>
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Re: Mounds View is likely looking for a new coach

Post by sport321 »

Seems to me that most of the comments are coming from Nitti friends, coaches or “disgruntled” ex coaches. Interesting that there has not been one, I repeat not one, favorable comment from a parent or player who can say, from experience, that Nitti did a good job. The comments are mostly coming from people who think it’s awful that a coach was fired. Well, if he wasn’t doing a good job, he should be fired. That’s life! Parents foot the bill for their kid to play hockey and expect that their kid will have a positive experience. Regardless of whether or not “Johnny” plays on the first line, second line or whatever. I live in the community, I have a child in the youth program and have heard only negative comments – nothing positive – ever about Nitti. Additionally, someone mentioned that the Athletic Director should have to spend time “behind the bench”. News flash, MV’s AD previously was a varsity coach and has been there, done that. <p></p><i></i>
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Mounds View

Post by Puckguy »

I don't necessarily disagree with you Sport321, but the timing of the dust up makes people suspect. Normally reviews of coaches performance are done shortly after the season is finished. If there is cause for dismissal, or simply subpar performance, it is easily dealt with. When the concerns are addressed mid-summer, usually it is with parents that are looking out for "Johnny," or have a bone to pick with the coach.<br><br>It is those situations that cause others consternation. <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :hat --><img src= ALT=":hat"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
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nitti...good guy bad coach!

Post by shloppymcgee04 »

i hold nothing against nitti for not playing me.....i put the team b4 myself, i wouldn't have it any other way....its just sickening to see such a talented team play .500 junior year our team was chaulk full of talent....(bostrom's, houser, edwards, palmeri....the list goes on and would be longer if half the varsity team hadn't been kicked out the previous year, for suspected partying)<br><br>and what does nitti show for the surge in talent......500 season with a first round loss in the cant help but look to the coaching after playing on teams with these people through youth hockey and dominating the competition then 1or2 years later......they're just a 500 team??? something isn't right there!! and if any of you die-hard hockey guys were to ever go sit on the bench as nitti coached, you would find you selves disgusted at the plays and hair-brained ideas he pulls!!! <br><br>u think you know.....but you don't know!!! <br><br>hes not a good coach.<br><br>oh and for those who wish to support nitti, 1. i think your in the minority (at least in the Mv hockey community) and 2 could you explain why you want to keep him as a coach?? <p></p><i></i>
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Post by shloppymcgee04 »

OFFSIDES GUY...could you explain to how my "rambling" about coach nitti exposed my lack of knowledge of the game?? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: nitti...good guy bad coach!

Post by sport321 »

Now that's what I'm talking about, shloppymcgee04; feedback from people who know about and have experienced Nitti's coaching abilities and the team's record. I think if we heard more comments from people like you this seemingly cloudy picture would become a lot clearer! <p></p><i></i>
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the list

Post by shloppymcgee04 »

ive talked to people that signed the pettition that was going around......even the players that got tons of ice time, "nittis favorites", singed off to try to change the future for MVs youth. many ex players were on board even though they had nothing to gain (aka ice time) becuase MV hockey needs someone that knows how to turn raw talent into, winning hockey! <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Mounds View

Post by cuda701 »

I am not a coach, ex-coach, current hockey parent or current player - nor am I from that area. I am expressing my opinion from what I have read. It seems quite apparent that (correct me factually if I am mistaken) this situation came about from people that expected a coach to turn this program around miraculously and unrealistically in a very short period of time.<br><br>You might consider Mounds View's long term hockey history in your reply. This is what I see when I read this thread.<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src= ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... cuda701</A> at: 8/5/05 5:42 pm<br></i>
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Re: Mounds View is likely looking for a new coach

Post by sickofnoknowledge21 »

I honestly can not believe this topic is still being discussed. <p></p><i></i>
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Post by shloppymcgee04 »

cuda....yeah you were somewhat wouldn't have been a miraculous turn around at all!! if you looked at the numbers that we (mvhs players) put out during our youth careers, we should have ended up a winning team....nitti didn't pull anything together out of the talent that we had!! <p></p><i></i>
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Re: cuda

Post by cuda701 »

Not knowing those was what I was reading. Sounds like you had some definate talent. I do think the entire situation could have been handled in a more professional manner overall - whatever the circumstances surrounding this was. Mounds View does need to think of long term goals and consistency (keeping a coach) in their program.<br><br>Just what I'm reading<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :D --><img src= ALT=":D"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
Light The Lamp Guy
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Re: shloppymcgee04

Post by Light The Lamp Guy »

Shloppy who are you? I played 2 years of A peewes 1 Year of A Bantams and 2 years on the varsity with the Bostrom's etc. I have no idea who you are and you're certainly not in the majority of our team. Where do I start. We had 5 main players off my youth teams play at private schools- decisions pre-determined long ago by parents with nothing to do with Coach Nitti. That is a fact. When you talk about this abundance of talent we had I'm not sure where you're coming from. After graduating from Hs and going to college and seeing what is out there you tend to get a little more realistic. We had some nice players, who worked hard, were physically tough. As far as an abundance of talent I don't believe that too be true. We all knew Kent and Justin Bostrom were special players and fun to be around. NEVER in my years did I hear 1 teammate begrudge them for anything. We wanted them to play alot because it gave us the best chance to win. I talk to Justin often and i'll try to get him to post to fill you in on some stuff. But this is for sure, he loved playing for Coach Nitti and gives him alot of credit in developing his game.I stay in touch with 8-10 members of our team semi-regularly and Not one is in agreement with what happened to Coach. Maybe you were a JV player or something happened after we left but your characterizations of him and his coaching are wrong I believe. As far as his coaching on the bench all I can say is we gave some much stronger Hill and WBL some memorable battles that we still talk about. I don't think there is a sane hockey guy who would claim we had even close to the talent of those teams or many other teams we played for that matter. Coach Nitti got us to believe in ourselves had a plan for us to keep it close and anything could happen in the last 10 minutes. It worked more often than not. Long enough for me here but I wanted to offer my side. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... pguy>Light The Lamp Guy</A> at: 8/6/05 10:17 am<br></i>
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Re: shloppy

Post by kenny06 »

in one of your posts you listed all of the talent that nitti had to work with and could not win. players like the two bostroms, houser, palmeri, and edwards. it is surprising that you only listed one defenseman, nor a goalie. it is hard to win in hockey without defense or goaltending, and that is something mv has not had in many, many years. they have always had talent in scoring, but in their youth organization, they do not produce defenseman. as a parent of mv, i have yet seen them teach defense. they love offensive defensemen, but edwards is the only one that was a true defenseman. i also know nitti got his job when a bunch of forward parents went to the school and told them their kids would not come back if the current coach was not removed. what goes around comes around, but it does get awful tiring seeing parents try and step in during the summer to dicate how a school program should be run. let the school decide on how things should be done, not a group of whining parents. <p></p><i></i>
Light The Lamp Guy
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Post by Light The Lamp Guy »

I have to admit some of your comments bothered me sport321. I question what your basis for a hs coach to be fired over.Although you say you live in my community I wonder for how long that has been. When I was a youth player growing up in the mid 90's mvhs hockey was pathetic to put it bluntly.When coach Nitti took over he turned it to respectability in just his 2nd year. As a young player I can't tell you how much that helped keep us interested in hockey. There was hope again.He cleaned up the lockerroom and made you proud to be a member of the team No forum can give him justice for some of the things that he did to help some of my struggling teammates in both their school and personal lives. He cared. So although you might shrug off our win-loss record I urge you to explore a little deeper where we came from. Sure we all would have like to win a few more games but we were competitive almost every night and I look back on my experiences as positive ones. <br>It also rubs me wrong that you mention " parents foot the bill" so the kid needs a positive experience. That was a running joke in the lockerroom. Every year we heard the same thing, some kid who just because he had played hockey all the way up was now entitled to a varsity spot. Do the math it doesn't work. Some kids that play youth won't play hs. It's just a fact no matter if the parent footed the bill or not. One last thing your suggestion to have the AD coach because he's done that. That probably wouldn't work let's just say the respect factor needed isn't there.. <br> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... pguy>Light The Lamp Guy</A> at: 8/7/05 4:33 am<br></i>
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Hockey is what you make of it

Post by sportsmum »

Has anyone every heard the saying: <br><br> "WHEREVER YOU GO, THERE YOU ARE"<br><br>This applies to all aspects of life, but I am wondering if it is especially true as it relates to this post. <br><br>Example: If you are sitting on the bench assuming the coaching style is not in your best interest then it won't be. If on the otherhand you are sitting on the bench ready to absorb the skills and knowledge the coach is passing your way, then you will benefit.<br><br>"Wherever you go, there you are!"<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Mounds View is likely looking for a new coach

Post by Dusey »

Whoever asked why this topic is still being discussed must be living in a utopian cave. Figure it out friend, the rules of fair play have been blurred by the PO parents in suburbia. If you don't like this topic, double-click on something else, or have you just identified yourself as the PO parent. <br>Mr. Nitti has finally been told, in writing, exactly why they did not renew his contract. The team of iliots, iliots is lower than idiots, surmised after spending $7,000 on a special evaluation which vindicated the program and Mr. Nitti, that they had better trump up some other violations to justify the expense and their spineless decision to the Mounds View School Board. The Board ate it up like a hungry wolf at chow time. These are the same people who we entrust to make life-changing educational decisions for our children. If they are as naive and persuadable with important issues, as they have shown to be with a decision that should never have reached them, I think change is needed and the sooner the better. What's with this AD over there? How can he ever be trusted again after his indecisiveness in this mattter? Coaches, always get it in writing, signed and dated, and if that doesn't happen, make sure you have a witness to any verbal activity. <br>I don't think this topic will cease until the Administration and School Board offer a sincere apology to Mr. Nitti and all his supporters. If this were a business governed by the rules of fair play, the ambulence chasers would have a hayday, but unfortunately, School Boards are self-governing. "Above the law". Mom, your kid is only as good as God meant him to be. Some are 1st liners and some are 4th liners. Live with it and pray that another Nitti comes along to ensure that your kid knows the importance of the classroom, because his or her next hockey stop is the no-check beer league. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Re: Mounds View is likely looking for a new coach

Post by BSIII »

I like the way Dusey thinks. It would be nice if the State Attorney General's Office had some interaction with School Boards, but apparently only the voters can admonish School Board members. Dusey, why did these iliots, as you call them, spend $7,000 if they already had hard evidence that Mr. Nitti had committed some other infractions? What are those other infractions? It would seem to me that Mr. Nitti committed the cardinal sin. Not getting it in writing from his superiors and/or not having a witness to the verbal activity, as you call it. Have these same infractions, that Mr. Nitti is being accused of, ever been committed by other coaches or staff at MV? Maybe it's time to question the AD and his superiors. I'm only guessing, but it would seem to me, after all this sifts out, that the coaches are going to have a real comfort zone, thanks to Nick and his supporters. The Administration and School Board are going to think twice before they jump into this type of fray. I'm really suprised that the Pioneer Press and Star Tribune haven't jumped on this yet. Seems to me that they could interview at least one side of the equation, Nick's supporters. The other side might be a little sheepish about showing their faces. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Mounds View is likely looking for a new coach

Post by puckingood »

in response to "in the fairways" comments......quite frankly the only legitimate big time player you refer to is McDonough (sp).....players like Hoeffel are pushed as "stars" because they happen to be early 89's and not late 88' will see what I mean when next season any rate,,,,,,,,,,,,next year for H-M........ over rated........ way overrated <p></p><i></i>
Light The Lamp Guy
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Re: Mounds View is likely looking for a new coach

Post by Light The Lamp Guy »

Nice job Dusey. I can tell you that this thing isn't over. Talked to some players last night and there going to jump in to the fray. Could get interesting.<br>I guess some of the players who weren't playing and parents raised the initial stink are embarrassed by their actions. Nice huh?<br>' <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... pguy>Light The Lamp Guy</A> at: 8/7/05 4:43 am<br></i>