Doug Hagen Follow The Puck

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Doug Hagen Follow The Puck

Post by WestMetro »

Doug recently made a decision to permanently reduce his role at Follow The Puck. Things are working out well for him, simply a personal decision.

I do want to give a huge shoutout to Doug. Hope forum members will give him a good send off also. There was no one more synonymous with MSHSL twitter growth and minute by minute score updates than Doug Hagen. It was simply incredible what he built in a decade. And in many ways he changed the usage of this Forum forever.

The countless hours he spent toiling every night/month to build the brand and his army of loyal tweeters could be described as almost beyond belief. Keep in mind he had a full time job and also other hockey duties as well.

If you want to drop a note to Doug to express your appreciation , his email is still active at . I dont know how long that will be the case.

I sent my usual once a year holiday donation to Doug, and if anyone wants to mention they would like to do that in their email to him, Im sure hed be happy to give you his new PayPal address or home address. It would be a nice going away present..

Doug assures me the new people are equally energetic, so Follow The Puck will continue well into our future. Im not going to mention anything more about them here, it should be up to them to introduce themselves to the Forum

All things eventually move on.....

In a different thread, we also expressed our appreciation as Zach and Chad wind down their role at the Horn, those guys were to hockey livestreaming what Doug was to hockey twitter

Well done boys!
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