Summer League?

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Summer League?

Post by Kodiak »

I have some relatives coming to stay with me this summer so they can play hockey. I'm thinking that I will send them to the various leagues at SPA, but I'm not sure yet. They have a varsity level, 4 on 4, no checking league where the oldest boy will play... does anybody have any experience with this league, or any of the youth leagues? It sounds like a good way to work on skills without fear of being gooned up, but I don't know about the level of play, or effectiveness of the 4 on 4. Thanks for any input you may have! <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Summer League?

Post by hockeyfanmn »

How old are they? What level did they play this year? <p></p><i></i>
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Post by Kodiak »

Two squirts, one peewee, a bantam, and a high schooler... all from Michigan. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Summer

Post by puckhead63 »

Any league is fine as long as it is not Showcase Hockey or their so called AAA hockey.<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
pasciewicz is a seive
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Post by pasciewicz is a seive »

Why not showcase or AAA. I didnt have too many problems with those. Showcase is pretty goontastic though. We had a game with like 7 fights one time. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: why

Post by puckhead63 »

The Showcase AAA is far from AAA hockey. Any player that has the $800 in pocket - for the most part - can play in their AAA league.<br><br>Just last season, I was speaking to a couple fathers that were so pleased that their son made one of the AAA Showcase teams. When asked what level their sons play at during the winter - their reply was Peewee C and Peewee B2.<br><br>I think that Showcase bastardized the term AAA hockey in Minnesota. Showcase use to call it Developmental AAA Hockey League when they first established it the league. After 2 years, they dropped the Developmental title becuase no one wanted to play in a "Developmental" league.<br><br>With regards to the regular Showcase league - they have done a much better job in organizing the schedule and making sure that referees show up. they still have some errors, but everyone does.<br><br>The biggest issue with the Showcase league is that there is not balancing of the competition. In speaking to a HS player the other day, he was very disappointed in the league - the first game they won by 15 goals, then 12 goals, then 15 goals, then get blown out by another team.<br><br>the league needs to spend more time balancing out the competitiveness of the teams and not worry about the all-mighty dollar. Showcase (even to their own admission) is all about the money and the development of the players come after that.<br><br>There was a couple of league that I am aware of - MASH hockey league and the MIHL (I think they are now the MSHL) were the most competitive from a pricing standpoint and competition stand point. I think they both are predominately on the south to southwest part of the metro.<br><br>Might want to look them up.<br><br>But if you are just looking for ice, then go for it - ice is ice - right?<br><br>I think you may have just hit my hot-spot, what do you think?<br><br>As usual - i'm rambling again! <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... khead63</A> at: 4/7/05 8:19 pm<br></i>
pasciewicz is a seive
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Post by pasciewicz is a seive »

Tu-shay (or however you spell it<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src= ... /smile.gif ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> ) <p></p><i></i>
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Post by Kodiak »

Thanks for the input. Puckhead, have you heard anything about the SPA league? It's run by Mike Foley and his son Sean, both great hockey minds, so I think we'll go with that (plus it's close to home), they seem to be more concerned with making good hockey players than making money... it ends up being about 10 bucks a game per kid. I just don't want these kids to get into bad habits by worrying more about getting run, or running somebody, than playing hockey... it seems like discipline goes out the door when it comes to summer hockey leagues. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Thanks...

Post by puckhead63 »

Kodiak:<br>I know Mike runs a good program - his philosophy is good, the price is right, and close to home - I'd say you hit a home run (opps - that's baseball lingo on a hockey board)!<br><br>If I had a choice - as I have with my own son - I would also focus on off-ice development too.<br><br>If you are looking for some great skating development programs in the St. Paul area - I would check out Diane Ness and her son Andy. They both run some great skating and stickhandling programs out of Highland Park. Kind of tough to get in to, but if you can - well worth it!<br><br>When it comes to off-season hockey training, I am rather opinionated (if you haven't noticed) because I have been involved for many years in off-season development - from hockey schools, leagues, to off-ice training and I have seen some great programs and some not-so-good ones.<br><br>Good luck <p></p><i></i>
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Thanks Puck

Post by Kodiak »

Thanks for all of the insight... yeah, we'll be working off the ice too... a lot... no free summer vacations here! But hey, the kids want to be good at hockey, so they have to work at it right? Anyway, yeah, the price is definitely right at Foley's league, even though it's not my money! But it should be a great experience for the kids. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Thanks Puck

Post by puckhead63 »

Kodiak - One last item and I promise I won't bug you on this topic anymore.<br><br>If you looking for some great off-ice training (both skill development as well as strength development) check out this website People close to me have been talking about this place and I have heard nothing but good stuff.<br><br>Enjoy the summer and I hope that you guys can sneak in a vacation in the great state of Minnesota. <p></p><i></i>
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Summer Hockey

Post by Pucknutz69 »

Are you looking for games or training? Look into <br> nice program, great facilities and the instructors are good guys. For Skating development look at Tartan for Romanchuks TCM program. Lot of skating, cheap and good instructors. Most of the Showcase -AAA And AAA teams have been picked. I say -AAA because that's what it is, watered down, B and C players with money some games are blow outs others are worse. Most of the guys coaching couldn't coach a C team during the winter season. <p></p><i></i>
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-AAA Teams

Post by RLStars »

Not all Showcase AAA teams are watered down teams. My son plays on one that has 4-second year Peewee A players, 9-first year Bantam A players and 2-first year Bantam B players who play at one of the largest associations in the state. Nothing watered down on that team. The Showcase AAA teams do cut players and add players that the coaches scout, they are not limited to Showcase tryouts only. There are good teams and bad ones. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... RLStars</A> at: 4/8/05 1:36 pm<br></i>
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Re: -AAA Teams

Post by Pucknutz69 »

Sharks?? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: -AAA Teams

Post by RLStars »

Yeah, and you figured that out how? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: -AAA Teams

Post by Pucknutz69 »

Just sounds like thier lineup. Why aren't you playing in the Meltdown Invite if you are so good? You won the Open last year didn't you? or was it the Vipers? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: -AAA Teams

Post by gferhock1 » hit it right on the showcase example. <br>The reason the HS level is so out of balance is because Dave Druk is in charge of who plays at what level and the game scheduling. He doesnt think anyone outside of the inner metro area is good enough to play at the tier I level and he puts tier I vs tier II teams which also causes problems. He had that same attitude at the super rink when he worked there, funny how he messed that place up and now works for showcase. I thought Hawkinson was smarter than that to hire that bozo. Overall showcase I think has done a good job creating ice opportunities for kids in the offseason, they never should have called it AAA because we know its more like A or AA hockey at best. But as long as parents are stupid enough to think they have it figured out, someone will take their money. By the time they figure it out the kid has graduated. I know many independent teams who really do work at developing players, parents should look at those programs, many are in their back yard. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: -AAA Teams

Post by RLStars »

Pucknutz, First off, I never said we are THAT good, I said that not all the Showcase teams are watered down with "B" and "C" players. The Jr. Gophers are a very good team, I heard the Lightning picked up 2 of their players this year. <br><br>Secondly, I didn't mention the team name so no one here would think that I'm braggin up the team. I hate it when users do that. I just want to point out that some of those teams are serious about playing hockey and developing their players. We do more than just the showcase games and scheduled practices.<br><br>We lost in the championship to Central Wisconsin AAA. Our coach got kicked out in the first period after the third 5 on 3 in a row (or something like that) on some VERY horrible calls. Anyway, we tried to get into the Meltdown Invitational and we were apparently told we would be the next team in. I see he has 6 teams and must not have wanted 7. We will be playing the Blades, Lightning and Iceman this year, so we'll see then how we stack up. Hopefully we can give them a game.<br><br>I'm curious to know how you can tell from our lineup what team I was referring to? If we are a watered down AA team at best, why would you be even a little aware of the team? What team are you affiliated with? <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... RLStars</A> at: 4/8/05 7:02 pm<br></i>
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Post by puckhead63 »

Great dialog on this subject.<br><br>Yes, the person that Showcase hired a couple years ago works his tail off trying to bring teams to the league.<br><br>His only problem is that he over promises and under delivers. Maybe because he is directed to this, but he will bring in any team that is willing to pay the money without any consideration as to what level of skill the team is. That is why he is no longer at the Super Rink working their leagues.<br><br>When you bring in close to $500 per spring / fall team of profit per team, believe me, you kind or forget about the reason you are doing this - the kids.<br><br>With regards to the AAA program. About three years ago, Tim Hawkinson looked at his so called AAA teams and realized that they could not skate with the strong independent teams (i.e. Blades, Lightning, Rockets, Raptors, Iceman, Northern Wings, etc...) and when ever a good player found his way on to one the Showcase teams, they were gobbled up the next season by one of the Independent teams.<br><br>For this reason, Showcase began developing one team at every birth year that would be able to skate with most of the independents. I can recall the '88's had the Rangers, '89's were the Wolverines, I think the '90's may have been the Wolverines too, but I am not sure.<br><br>Anyways, when many of the these teams caught wind of the independent world and they realized that Showcase was making between $4000 and $5000 per team, it didn't take long for them to independent and double their ice for about the same price. Plus they had control of their own teams schedule.<br><br>I have always said that the AAA level offers a player/coach/team the opportunity to have their teams a finished schedule before the season starts - great for planning family vacations. The Independent teams schedules change and add ice throughout the summer.<br><br>Another big difference is the practice to game ratio. The Showcase program offers (or at least they did) 1 practice (shared) to every 3 games. The Independent teams are usually the other way around - 3 practices to every 1 game. But that is how Showcase can say that you get so much ice - it is all shared. If I have 10 ice sessions (all shared), my team actually bought only 5 hours of ice.<br><br>I also agree that not all Showcase AAA teams have B and C level players on them, but many do. RLStars, it sounds like you have a strong group - mostly older players on the birth year which should help. As I mentioned before, Tim has been trying to get at least 1 team at every birthyear to be a "super" team that can really play.<br><br>I hope you get to play some of the teams you mentioned(Blades, Lightning, etc...). I know many of them won't play a Showcase affilated team.<br><br>I didn't mean to offend anyone in my comments on this post or previous ones. I think that many people don't know much about the programs offered out there and the differences between them.<br><br>Got to go - I think I am getting carpole (spelling) tunnel.<br>Good luck this summer <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... khead63</A> at: 4/8/05 8:02 pm<br></i>
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AAA hockey

Post by hockey6409 »

correct sir! i played on an AAA team last year. i figured that it would be fun and our team would be good. we won a total of 3 games. in contrast, i played in the preview tournament for 2nd year bantams and had a blast. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Showcase

Post by GNHogger »

i'm new the to the off-ice summer gig...but, i have heard that bernie mcbain runs some good programs. although he can operate like an army drill sargeant...the skills he teaches are what may bring the skaters back. plus, i think his kid, who skated at shattuck, helps out the old man now and then. anyone else familiar with him? <p></p><i></i>
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Post by Unknown »

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