Mueller to WHL

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Mueller to WHL

Post by HockeyMan05 »

I recently found out that Peter Mueller will be heading up to canada to play in the WHL. He will forfeit his rights to play for the gophers in 2006. Good move? or Bad Move? I personally wouldve stayed in the NTDP and played with the gophs...the soon to be dynasty team. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... eyMan05</A> at: 7/7/05 1:32 am<br></i>
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Re: Mueller to WHL

Post by umd26mn »

If Peter was able to get a similar deal like Angelo Esposito and get his schooling taken care of by Everett than it would seem as if he made a reasonable decision. Some people on different boards have suggested that Peter wasn't necessarily interested in continuing his education at this point. Whether or not that is the case I don't know. Even though I am a Bulldog fan it is a little disappointing that I won't get to see Peter 4+ times a year. Who knows, maybe he ends with the Wild and we'll still get to see him on a regular basis. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Mueller to WHL

Post by packerboy »

It depends on what you want to do and what your interests are. There is no good move nor bad move. <br><br>Nowadays, how many college athletes are truly students? <br><br>Sure, playing for the Gophers sounds great but if hockey and the NHL is all you have in mind, why let school get in the way? <br><br>This "student athelete" stuff is just a sham, as has been demonstrated in so many instances.<br><br>College isnt for everybody. Especially kids who just want to play their sport and are only there because of that.<br><br>If the U closes the General College, I wonder how many athletes will really struggle to remain eligible. <br><br>The point is, if a player can develop his skills at a high level and avoid the academic BS, why not do it.<br><br>Sure, somebody will say" Dont put all your eggs in one basket ,get the education". But that assumes there is also really meaningful academics going on and for the most part there isnt.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Mueller to WHL

Post by goofygirlinva »

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>If the U closes the General College, I wonder how many athletes will really struggle to remain eligible. <hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br>Closing the GC won't make as much of a difference as people think. Those who are currently in the GC will be allowed to finish their programs and graduate without penalty. And for those who are just now applying to the U, there will still be plenty of programs @ the U that will take students and athletes who have HS shaky grades (for admission to the U) and shaky classroom performance (to keep them at the U once they are admitted). <p><a href="" target="_new">GopherIce</a></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... irlinva</A> at: 7/7/05 4:35 pm<br></i>
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Re: Mueller to WHL

Post by EREmpireStrikesBack »

I wish he would have played for the Gophs, but I think he will do just fine <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START 8) --><img src= ALT="8)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p>Elk River AA State Champions- 2001 Boys & 2004 Girls</p><i></i>
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What a joke!

Post by shutout »

What happened to the " I am signing now because this has been a lifetime dream to be a gopher" <br><br>The Mueller family is all about using programs and then dumping them for the "flavor of the month" they were at Chaska then Jefferson then Breck then Ann Arbor then the gophers and then major junior.<br><br> GOOD RIDDENCE ! <p></p><i></i>
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Re: What a joke!

Post by packerboy »

shutout, Come on , tell us what you really think.<br><br>Absolutely correct. But this is now the culture of hockey. It isnt just one family and they sure as hell didnt invent it.<br><br>We encourage it and we reward it. Which one of those programs said " No, just stay where you are, we have plenty of kids" <br><br>Right. They trip over themselves offering this and promising that to get a kid to move to their school or program. <br><br>At some point in time , maybe the guys who are encouraging this stuff will be burned enough by it so it will subside. But until then, which will probably be never, the beat goes on. <br><br><br> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... ckerboy</A> at: 7/8/05 8:10 am<br></i>
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general college and athletics at the U

Post by packerboy »

goofygirl maybe knows more about it than I do. <br><br>It is intersting that there hasnt been any coverage of this issue from the effect on athletics least that I am aware of. <br><br>But goofygirl, what programs are you talking about? Because of the age of my kids , I have recently become refamiliarised with the U and what it has to offer and what its admisson standards are. <br><br>With out the GC, where does the ill prepared student with a below 20 ACT score go? (besides Normandale) <p></p><i></i>
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Re: general college and athletics at the U

Post by EREmpireStrikesBack »

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr><br>With out the GC, where does the ill prepared student with a below 20 ACT score go?<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>St. Cloud State <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :rolleyes --><img src= ALT=":rolleyes"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :lol --><img src= ALT=":lol"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START 8) --><img src= ALT="8)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p>Elk River AA State Champions- 2001 Boys & 2004 Girls</p><i></i>
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Re: general college and athletics at the U

Post by HockeyMan05 »

thats cloud state is the place to go with a below 20 ACT score...2 buddies I know are going there with scores of 16 and 19...take their placement test...which is easy from what i hear and your in...just like that...the kid who scored 16 is from i give him crap that they accepted him because of his race...which is probably the only reason he got in...cant wait to see how long it takes till he flunks out <p></p><i></i>
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Post by shutout »

Hey Packerboy:<br><br>Don't get me wrong, I think Lucia is getting exactly what he deserves giving this 15 year old prima donnas history of jumping ship everywhere else that he went why would anyone think he wouldn't bail on the "U". I question whether character is a high priority anymore at the "U"<br><br>The point I was making was the crap when he signed saying " It has been my lifetime dream to be a gopher" and then bailing before you ever step foot on the campus. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: general college and athletics at the U

Post by goofygirlinva »

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>But goofygirl, what programs are you talking about? Because of the age of my kids , I have recently become refamiliarised with the U and what it has to offer and what its admisson standards are. <hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br>I can't tell you which specific depatrments/colleges will absorb GC programs, that is still being worked out. All I know (and I have been following this pretty closely both personally and professionally and have had some interesting and detailed conversations with some of the professors here at the U who have been working on this issue) is that a majority of the programs and support services that are currently part of the GC will be dispersed throughout the U. There will still be a place within the U for students who would normally start their education at the U in the GC, it will just require a bit more leg work on the part of students, parents, guidance counselors, etc. to find the right place for them at the U and to package their application in a way that will get them into the U.<br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>It is intersting that there hasnt been any coverage of this issue from the effect on athletics least that I am aware of. <hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br>Actually, there has been a bit of coverage about this issue, but it has been minimal and not nearly as much as you would think, given how it could impact the U's athletics programs. I think the reason there hasn't more coverage is because a lot is still up in the air as far as where the GC programs are going to go throughout the U, not to mention what is going to happen to all of the support services (i.e., special tutoring, remedial classes, counseling, etc.) that GC students traditionally received as part of their program. Once more of this is settled and once all the students who are currently part of the GC graduate and are no longer part of the undergraduate community at the U, then I would imagine we will start to hear a whole lot more about the impact of closing down the GC.<br> <p><a href="" target="_new">GopherIce</a></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... irlinva</A> at: 7/10/05 1:26 pm<br></i>
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Re: general college and athletics at the U

Post by goldy313 »

The "U" isn't exactly tops in the Big Ten anymore athletically (aside from hockey which is a fringe sport in the NCAA) or acedemically. Closing the GC they hope will improve at least the perception on the acedemic part. How may Rose Bowls have the Goophs been too the past 40 years? Northwestern (for godsakes) has made it and their admission standards are far and away harder than the "U", athlete or not. Closing the GC might just give us another bad excuse why the U can't field a top football or basketball team. The grad rate has been among the lowest in the Big Ten for years now. Besides if their ACT scores are that low should we as taxpayers be subsidizing their college anyhow?<br><br>As for Mueller, he'd of stayed one maybe two years at most. He's been a mercenary and nobody really expected that to change. Good luck to him, I hope that signing bonus is enough should hockey fail him. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... oldy313</A> at: 7/10/05 10:38 pm<br></i>
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Re: general college and athletics at the U

Post by goofygirlinva »

You are correct, overall, the U is not as selective as some of the other Big 10 schools. But, and I believe this was enacted in response to the basketball scandal, the U has higher eligibility standards for its athletes than what the Big 10 and certainly the NCAA as a whole requires. A lot of the football recruits, as well as some of the hockey and basketball teams, have historically been initially admitted to the U through the GC. I know that many of the guys on the hockey team eventually transfer to other colleges, most notably the business school. But still, those with shaky HS grades have traditionally been admitted through the GC, so there is understandable concern with some of the coaches, such as Glen Mason, about where some of the athletic recruits will be able to apply within the U now that the GC is no longer an option. <p><a href="" target="_new">GopherIce</a></p><i></i>
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Re: What a joke!

Post by NPGandyDancer »

shutout. mueller without a doubt will play in the nhl, but, his road there will have been circuitous. the breck stop-over was ludicrous and clearly way could he have graduated from that school given their standards of academic excellence. he should have stuck it out as a baby blue...then on to michigan...oh well, let's hope he lands on an nhl team with s. crosby. <p></p><i></i>
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Free agent at 15

Post by packerboy »

Well shutout , I agree 100%. <br><br>That was my point. Maybe some of these coaches who encourage this stuff will understand that if you play with fire, you eventually will get burned. <br><br>Maybe the guy who is so proud that he recruited the young superstar will get burned enough when the kid leaves his program for somebody else that it will cause some reluctance.<br><br>How do you build a program with guys coming in for 1 or 2 years and then leaving if the grass is percieved tp be a little greener across the fence? Its gota get old in a hurray. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: general college and athletics at the U

Post by packerboy »

The U will have to figure out what to do with the athletes the same way other top notch schools do. It has been fortunate to have the GC because it made it easier for athletic admissions and eligibility. <br><br>Places like Norte Dame dont have the same admissions criteria and acedemic track for football players as they do for other students. The U will have to put in some programs that accomadate those needs.<br><br>Make no mistake about it, the U is a great place and a world class place to go to college. Although I agree with goldy about football, the other sports have done very well and the U is always near the top of the Big Ten overall standings.<br><br><br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>
Gray Mullet
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Just Win Baby!

Post by Gray Mullet »

Right or wrong it is pretty easy to "arm chair" division 1 coaches and Administrations are at best hypocritical when they come out publicy and decry their very own programs. It is the old art of double speak for the Admins as they sure as heck love the dollars when they are coming in. When Clem Haskins was winning and getting to the final four you sure did not see complaints from the President but he was all over Haskins after the fact. I think it was Youdoff (President at Uof M) at the time. So what I am saying is this Division 1 coaches are in between a rock and a hard place. Its all about winning and revenue and we all know that. Plus your college will land more interest (from prospective students en-masse) if you are a top flight program in any of the big revenue sports (football, basketball) that is sad but just the way it is. In "Minny" we have a vibrant hockey culture so ratchet that sport up as well. Any way you crack it, she is a tough position for any guy to have to manage when you have an Administration who deems your success on the won-loss scale and what have you done for me lately culture that all the big top level programs have. So Lucia picking a guy is no longer a 4 year plan/forecast it is a one year plan because if things "go south" there is no guarentee for the coach. That is today's "amature" college sports world in a nut shell sad but true. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Just Win Baby!

Post by goofygirlinva »

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>So Lucia picking a guy is no longer a 4 year plan/forecast it is a one year plan because if things "go south" there is no guarentee for the coach. That is today's "amature" college sports world in a nut shell sad but true. <hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br>Gray Mullet, you are so correct with what you are saying! But I also think that Maturi is one of the exceptions with D-1 sports in that unless a coach or a program here at the U has commited a violations of NCAA rules, Maturi tends to give his coaches a lot more leeway for having programs that are not at the top before he gets rid of them. Think about it - can you really name any coaches whom Maturi has fired? Outside of the men's gymnastics coach this year (and although he technically wasn't "fired" he was pretty much shoved out the door with a forced resignation), I can't think of any, but if Maturi has gotten rid of coaches, he certainly showed remarkable restraint and patience before getting rid of them... <p><a href="" target="_new">GopherIce</a></p><i></i>