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Post by SHP55 »

Mike Taylor's back door GOAL went in, it was a good 6 inches past the goal line. Tough angle for the refs but still should have done something about it, and the goal judge sure wasn't awake. To bad cause AHA would have won the game if the goal was counted. A shame, it should be AHA and Centennial in the championship but that isn't possible, too bad. Good Luck to Centennial and Moorhead in the finals. <p></p><i></i>
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Post by newkidonblock »

Well, the refs didn't call it that way. Here's an idea. Instead of complaining about referees, why don't all of us know-it-alls become refs? Just imagine how much better the games would be with our knowledge and insight! <p></p><i></i>
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It went in

Post by HASH »

i have the game on tape, and yes the puck went in. i feel that all aha fans should have the right to complain, the players on the team work the entire season to get there(to state and win it), and then some idiot ref has to blow the game. it is a shame. aha played really well against a very good team and should have come out on top. aha #1 <p></p><i></i>
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Re: It went in

Post by cougar2004 »

(This message was left blank) <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... gar2004</A> at: 3/13/04 6:11 am<br></i>
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It went in

Post by pearn3 »

I have it on tape and I saw the reply several times myself. Yes I too believe that it was a goal, but it wasn't in no where close to 6 inches. The puck was flipping around and when the puck was straight up and down it appeared in, but that's how close to the line it was. If you play it in real time speed, it happens so fast that I don't see how any ref could make that call. Even Taylor didn't dispute it and he said in the paper that he thought it was in, but he was looking forward to seeing the reply. So even Taylor who had the best view of anyone wasn't totally 100% sure, again because it happened so fast. I am a cougar fan and I actually wish that it was counted as a goal. Then it would have forced the Centennial to get out of their defensive mode and start playing offense, which then would have really taken AHA out of their game. Yesterday against AHA, that was the first time all season I have seen them play so defensive and not like they usually play with an offense that usually gets 30 to 40 shots on goal. As I have seen all season, and they showed tonight, when Centennial plays with an offensive mind set, they really set the tone and take control of a game. I feel that if AHA was awarded a goal, that would have forced Centennial to go on the offensive, and I feel they would have scored at least a couple of goals and still would have won the game. <p></p><i></i>
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AHA Coach has class unlike some of you

Post by centennialfan »

Notice how the players and coaches aren't whining about the "goal". Trebil is classy and so are his players, I spoke with parents who were in my section and they too weren't sure if it went in but the sure commented on what a great play Stutz made to get his pad over- Why do guys have to sit on here and whine over a great game.<br><br>Both Teams were great and should be proud of themselves- put it all on the line out there and us FANS should start a thread on the great hockey games we have been privileged to see. Remember folks- This isn't the NHL and replays show alot more than just goal lines, we could sit and discuss many things about that game that went good and bad for both teams.<br><br>I say hats of to both teams for a great game - not to mention the previous game and scrimmage that were also awesome to watch! <p></p><i></i>
Chris J
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Post by Chris J »

How long have some of the people complaining about this goal been watching hockey? I've seen dozens of plays like this in my lifetime; it's easy to watch the replay from multiple angles in super slo-motion and go "Hey, we got screwed!". After the fact did the shot probably cross the goal line? Yeah, it probably did. But it happened so fast that it wasn't obvious at the time.<br><br>Until we get a whole crew of Commander Datas from Star Fleet officiating, this will always happen. It's called the human element. <p></p><i></i>
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Amen to that

Post by metromick »

Well put, ChrisJ. <br><br>Another way to look at this is that Holy Angels received an opportunity to show and/or build character in the face of tragedy (losing a hockey game is not epic, but tragic and painful nonetheless).<br><br>The failings of human nature give context to our lives. Shakespeare made a living writing about it, and Data made a living scratching his head over it.<br><br>Congrats to both teams for the matter-of-fact way the incident was handled. Now, on to the long-awaited showdown between #1 and #2. Should be a barn-burner. <p></p><i></i>
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Taylor goal

Post by StarsFan »

Yes, as I posted not 5 minutes after the loss, that missed goal helped Centennial advance. I find it hard to believe all you hear about is how great that Centennial goalie is. It WAS a great save. Behind the line. <br><br>Taylor scored. At least KMSP didn't try to bury the fact, that is one thing I admired about the whole thing.<br>I feel it tainted this years Tourney. These were the top teams.<br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Give it up

Post by centennialfan »

Cmon man- your making your school look bad with draggin this out!<br><br>its over with and the tourney is hardly tainted, you could have done no better if you were the ref, how many times have your watched a sporting event to see instant replay ruin a game.<br><br>Ask yourself this Did the Great Herb Brooks and his team rely on instant replay to win a game?? I think not.<br><br>As a hockey purist , like many of your players and coaches are there at AHA , lets not wreck this game with eliminating judgement calls from human beings- that was an unbelievable save and the ref can't be blamed.<br><br>If it takes some replay video in slow motion to show it, hmm how the heck do you expect a ref to it, last i checked they dont have laser eyes with a rewind button<br><br>Give it a rest and stop trying to ruin what has been a great year for your team and this state, everyone knows you had a great team , no doubt about it! <br><br>See ya next year <p></p><i></i>
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taylor scored

Post by dandill15 »

all i know is that stutz now knows that it went in and i hope he can't sleep at night knowing that they won by cheating, and centennialfan who the hell cares if herb brooks team didn't rely on replays i am a relative of Herbs and he was a fan of instant replays. all i know is that if they would have counted it holy angels would have played a lot more defensively and won the game. so i hope all yuo centennial fans are happy you won by a bad call on the refs part, they should have reviewed that in a 0-0 game in the 3rd period whether or not Taylor or the refs thought it went in. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: taylor scored

Post by Eagles93 »

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr> i hope he can't sleep at night knowing that they won by cheating<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>"Excuse me ref, but that puck was awfully close to being over the line and since we don't have the benefit of video replay I feel you should award the goal to the other team just so I don't 2nd guess myself later on and feel like I cheated each of the AHA players." <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :rolleyes --><img src= ... s/eyes.gif ALT=":rolleyes"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><br>Give me a break. Reverse the situation and both fans are saying just the opposite. Close calls and judgement decisions are just as much a part of any sport as a goalie making a great save. Quit whining about it and move on. <p></p><i></i>
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Taylor Scored

Post by pearn3 »

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>all i know is that if they would have counted it holy angels would have played a lot more defensively and won the game<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>It was early in the third period. How do you know that would have won the game? AHA was up by 2 goals on Centennial in the holiday tournement and didn't win, so how can you be so confident? All both teams were doing were playing defensive, so how could they have started playing more defensive? All it would have done is force Centennial to start using their high powered offense. If AHA was awarded that goal, would they have won? NOBODY KNOWS! People can guess all they want, but nobody knows what the outcome would have been. Even if it had happened with 2 minutes left in the game you can't say that AHA would have won, let alone with a whole third period left to play. <p></p><i></i>
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taylor scored

Post by dandill15 »

hey eagles 93 have you ever been screwed like this in the state tournament no you haven't so why do you tell us to quit whining hasek still whines about the 99 stanley cup finals where he says that brett hull was in the crease, so people are not going to stop whining about this either. <p></p><i></i>
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get over it

Post by skipper »

that REALLY sucks for aha, but that one play was not the sole reason that they won or lost. if they would have called it a goal then who knows, cent might have played a different style or changes something and have won the game like 4-1. the fact of the matter is that the game is played for 51 minutes and both team had a bunch of close plays. that one play was not the entire game!! <p></p><i></i>
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Post by oldschool »

bottom line guys: Your team was there, it had all of the tools, it had the game in hand and they BLEW IT, CHOKED, they blew a two goal lead in the third period and you think that if they had a three goal lead it might have helped???give me a break!!!! If they would've won by not giving up that third goal I'd still feel cheated if I was a Centennial fan because obviously they deserved to WIN. <p></p><i></i>
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goals and no goals

Post by hockeydad »

If you watch enough hockey during a season, you'll see about two or three goals waved off that shouldn't be, and the same number counted that shouldn't have been. It's part of the game. My son lost a chance for his first varsity shutout on one of those goals. He was disappointed, but he didn't dwell on it. <br><br>If you're lucky, none of those phantom goals or phantom saves don't affect the outcome. Chances are, though, one of them will. It's like in any sport, it's part of the game. <br><br>Having reffed (not hockey, but in other sports). I try very hard to not criticize officials. (not always successful in restraining myself). But watching that goal in real time and then watching the replay, I can easily understand how it was missed.<br><br>Stutz should have no problem sleeping. He played a great game... a great three games. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: goals and no goals

Post by Zamman »

This needs to be put to rest. The goal was called a no goal and Centennial won fare and square. Nobody cheated or was cheated, and nobody choked! It was a great game as was the Championship game. People who know saw that the true 3 best teams were Centennial, Moorhead and AHA. Congrats to Centennial on their championship and too the rest of the field for playing a great tournament. <p></p><i></i>
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it was a goal but...

Post by samsquared »

One thing nobody has mentioned about this goal was the rebound missed by gomez after the shot. The whistle hadnt blown yet and the puck was in the crease, Gomez flipped over the net with practically no angle, thats why the play was brought outside the zone. <p></p><i></i>