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Win a prize promoting a documentary on future NHLer

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 12:21 pm
by bardown33
Hey everyone, I'm a former JGAer who's now a filmmaker. I've been following Keegan Iverson for a few years and making a documentary about his life. He's expected to be drafted this year.

You can win a prize by promoting the film. Whoever has the most referrals wins either a pro stock total one or a jersey. (Prize will be finalized in a few days)

Please check out the link at the bottom for the pitch video and trailer, more details about the prize are on the Facebook page, make sure you read them so you send the correct link so I can keep track of who clicked on the link you shared. Either have an account on indiegogo or if you don't have one you can donate 5 bucks, then use the share buttons on the page for Facebook, twitter, or just the link, etc (otherwise I can't track it)

More detailed instructions are here:

Pitch video/trailer, info on the film, the share buttons and place to donate.