
ptown tigers
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Post by ptown tigers »

Did anyone else see that Coward bertuzzi end Moore from the Avalanche's season last night. How do u deal with an act like that on ice. I think he should be suspended for a year, atleast. <br><br>Whats everyone else's view on this savage attack? <p>Good Teams Would be Nothin without Good Water.....</p><i></i>
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Post by Hockeyisthebest21 »

I did catch what he did. He is a goon, but a good team player. Don't get me wrong i hate that guy. He went after Moore because he was the one who hurt Naslund. He stuck up for Nasland and the Canucks, but he did it a little too cheaply. Suspension YES but players might be more cautious against them now.<br>p-town water boy, Miron says hey <p></p><i></i>
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fry 'em

Post by dog36 »

He should be suspened 150% as long as Moore is out. If thehit ends Moore's career, it end Beruzzi's too. If Moore is out for a year, Bertuzzi's out for a year and a half.<br><br>This $h1t has no place in a civilized society, let alone hockey.<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START >: --><img src= ... ns/mad.gif ALT=">:"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Bertuzzi

Post by scheids316 »

I saw it on Sportscenter this morning. This jackbag Bertuzzi is a coward in the truist sense of the word. <br><br>It was great last year in the playoffs, watching him whine for 7 games as his team blew the big one against the Wild. For someone his size and build, all he does is whine and take cheap shots.<br><br>The punch and body slam last night was atrocious. As far as suspension, someone on USCHO had a great idea. However long the injured player is out, that's how long the attacker is out. If Moore is out for a year, Bertuzzi sits for a year. If Moore's career ends, so does Bertuzzi's. You think that would end all this crap pretty quick? I bet it would. Too bad the NHL doesn't have the balls to step up and enforce a rule like this.<br><br>Under the current rules, I think he'll get about 20 games. What I'd like to see though is him being suspended the rest of the year, playoffs included. <p>Scheids<br>(A legend in his girlfriend's mind.)</p><i></i>
ptown tigers
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Re: Bertuzzi

Post by ptown tigers »

They should put his but in Jail for assualt. It wouldnt be the first time on ice attacks, have been dealt with by the law, and this should be the next time. It wouldnt have been so bad had it been a clean fight, face to face dropping of the gloves. But from behind, and then tackeling him. Its BS. <p>Good Teams Would be Nothin without Good Water.....</p><i></i>
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Re: Bertuzzi

Post by cliff77 »

<br>Bertuzzi should be thrown in jail for this one, just like Marty McSorley a few years back.<br><br>The NHL should ban him for as long as Moore is out plus another 25 games. But Gary Bettman is a spineless weasel and won't do enough.<br><br>It will be interesting to see who his creepy little team mate, Matt Cooke, hides behind now. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Bertuzzi

Post by Eagles93 »

I don't agree with the law getting involved with situations like this (entirely hypocritcal). I do think, at a minimum, Bertuzzi should be out for the year including the playoffs. Unless the Canucks should play the Avs in the playoffs. Then he should be able to play just so Peter Worrell can whoop the living crap out of him. <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START >: --><img src= ... ns/mad.gif ALT=">:"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Post by benc14 »

bertuzzi is a moron and like dog36 says he should be out of the league just as long as moore is. what he did isnt hockey its wrestling, and its dumb.<br><br> i'd also like to see how the canucks do withou him for a while. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: moron

Post by Dons »

Knowing the outcome i say get that SOB out of the league...i think it needs to be acknowledged that had the guy just gotten a bloody nose..that nobody would feel as bad...<br><br>At the same time..a drunk driver doesnt intend to kill anyone. <br><br>I hope somebody throws this guy out of teh NHL..and dont let the door hit him in the @ss on the way out <p></p><i></i>
austin packers ONE
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Post by austin packers ONE »

my math teacher downloaded the clip during class....i think he should be charged with assault n cant say oh thats not assault because heez wearing or not that was more of a crime then a penalty.....bertuzzi hasta be the most hated player in the nhl...especially god take pity on his soul..if he even has one<br> -petersen-<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START >: --><img src= ... ns/mad.gif ALT=">:"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: bertuzzi

Post by NUEagles »

You can't have suspension's based on how long the injury is for one simple reason. Bertuzzi is one of the Canucks top players.. Moore is just a call-up for the Av's... now if your Pierre Lacroix, why not put Moore on the injured Reserve.. the canucks are you division foe and your battling with them for the division lead wouldnt it be a "smart" thing to have Moore sit out the year so the Canucks are without their best player? It would turn hockey into a joke. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: bertuzzi

Post by Eagles93 »

Half the stuff in hockey is a crime. There's fighting, checking, slashing, etc which are all crimes. I'm not saying they shouldn't be able to do these things, I'm just saying it's hypocritical to say the police should step in for <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>this</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> incident. It's a game that has rules and he has to pay the consequences for breaking those rules. The police never should've gotten involved for McSorley's incident either. Unless Bertuzzi attacked a fan then the league deals with this. <br><br>Bill Clement had a good point on about this. If the instigator rule were eliminated (something every player and coach in the league wants) than this wouldn't have happened. He would've been jumped by 5 guys on the ice right after it happened (and later in the game had this happened earlier in the game). Getting your ass kicked is a much bigger deterrent than a couple game suspension. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Clement

Post by Eagles93 »

Here's what Clement said:<br><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>Todd Bertuzzi deserves to be suspended for 20 games for his attack on Steve Moore. It was a cowardly, premeditated act against a smaller player that did plenty of damage. Even worse is that Bertuzzi went after Moore from behind. A suspension lasting 20 games would potentially cost Bertuzzi seven playoff games and send a message to the rest of the league that this type of behavior is not allowable. <br>But it should be pointed out that, were it not for the NHL's instigator rule, this situation would likely have resolved itself back on Feb. 16 after Moore knocked Canucks captain Markus Naslund out for three games with a concussion. Any player deemed the instigator in a fight earns an extra two-minute minor penalty and an additional 10-minute misconduct. But without the threat of additional penalties the Canucks would have been able to police the situation immediately, send a message and be done with it. <br>As it is, though, the instigator rule is allowing certain players to skate around using their sticks as weapons without fear of retribution from the other side. I have yet to meet a player or coach who likes the rule. Abolishing it would be a good thing for the game because teams would then have the ability to regulate themselves before the league has to step in.<br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>-- ESPN's Bill Clement</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--></em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Post by dog36 »

OH well. If Bertuzzi doesn't want to be played like that, don't attack a person from behind like a cowardly animal.<br><br>I think the rule I suggested earlier, should only be used when a league commitee deems the hit "intent to injure" <p></p><i></i>
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Post by Fanofhockey »

I'm just happy that this didn't happen in the wild game even though apparently spearing someone in the gut and breaking your stick doing the act (cooke on johnson) is only good for a couple of games suspension. I can't wait for the wild to play the canucks in a little while for the fact that bertuzzi will be out, lets see the cowards cooke and rutu try and be tough little men now. <p></p><i></i>
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Post by ssphockfan »

If someone on your team was hurt and they were your friend would you want some revenge???? yes so he gave him a shot im sure he want trying to break his neck it is just old fashion fighting with a left turn. Next time im sure he wil think twice of busting someone in the head from behind!! and i dont thin he deserves crimanal charges! <p></p><i></i>
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Post by hawksrock0304 »

Aight, here's my take:<br>Moore did have something coming to him, but I think bert went to far. The worst I think he shoulda done is give him a desent slash, and drop him to the ice, and he would probably get the instigator penalty. However, he went far beyond that. That was a very dirty play. IMO, I don't think he woulda done that if his team was not down by so much. I think he was really frustrated as all the Canucks were. I think it was a heat of the moment type of thing. I say this because I don't see why he would wait two games before he attacked. I also think Granato was kid of dumb to put Moore out that late in the game for three reasons: 1. His team was blowing the Nucks out, and it is natural for the other team to get frustrated when they are down by alot. 2. He knew that Moore was a target. 3. Bertuzzi is known to have a temper and is big and mean, and the Canucks in general have alot of maniacs on their team who would do this sort a thing (Ruutu, Cooke, May, Brookbank, etc.) I'll say this: If these two teams end up meeting in the playoffs, it's guarenteed to be Red Wings/Avalanche round 2, because this one is just like the Lemeiux hit on Draper that started it all. I would guess 15-20 games for Todd, I'm leaning more toward 15 cause of Bettman. Get better Steve Moore! Hope you get back to playing buddy! <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Vancouver Message Boards

Post by Jonmeri »

Check out the Canucks message board on their web site. All it says is.....<br><br>We are experiencing technical difficulites. The forum will be back up shortly. <p></p><i></i>
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Post by MnPride03 »

I was watching ESPN and on the bottom ticker it said he was suspended indefinently can someone tell me what that means <p></p><i></i>
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Re: bertuzzi

Post by SpudsPUCKemUP »

he'll be suspended no matter what...I can't believe u guys think it was an act of revenge..THe dude broke some vertabrae in his neck i dunno if was in the actual PUNCH from the side of the face or when he SLAMMED his face into the ice. Make him sit for a long ass time, longer then 15 game c'mon now. that @#%$ was nothing but a chickenshit @#%$ move for such a tough guy. atleast get moore when he's ready for a classic fight, not a crack to the face then slam it on the ice. <p></p><i></i>
wbl hock doc5
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Post by wbl hock doc5 »

``He tried to do something he thought was right for his team, to challenge someone,'' Naslund said. ``He wanted to make a point that you don't go out and hit our players.''<br>C'mon! Who does Naslund think he is??? This has the possibility of being the most ironic statement EVER! This is the NHL and if you can't handle a few open ice hits once in a while, as Bertuzzi says: "Better get your golf clubs out boys!" I didn't see the hit on Naslund, but I can't imagine it requiring this kind of retaliation, as it drew no penalty and no disciplinary action from the league. The NHL has the strongest players in the world that deliver a few open ice hits, deal with it or don't play. <p></p><i></i>
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Another gem from ssphockfan

Post by scheids316 »

"it is just old fashion fighting with a left turn..."<br><br>So old fashioned fighting consisted of one person taking a shot at the other from behind, when the receiving person can't see it coming? You truly are one of a kind, ssphockfan, and humanity is thankful for that. Your ignorance surpasses all others.<br><br>To the guy who asked what indefinitely means, it just means that the league will be suspending him, and they will determine the length of the suspension at a later date (Wednesday in this case). <p>Scheids<br>(A legend in his girlfriend's mind.)</p><i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... eids316</A> at: 3/9/04 7:50 pm<br></i>
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Post by eastcentralskater »

He should be done for the year. I love a fair fight but there is no place for a cheap shots. I heard the police are investigating. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Done

Post by Wildhockey55 »

Anyone who makes the claim that bertuzzi did this to defend what happened to naslund can just drop thier argument...yes, someone should have defended naslund and if anyone watched the game you wouldve seen cooke and moore fight...therefore ending the "bounty" that was put on moore. So what bertuzzi did was totally uncalled for, under normal circumstances i like to see just the nhl take care of thier own problems, but in this instance i wouldnt mind seeing other authorities step in...fracturing a mans neck by attacking him from behind...i mean cmon <p></p><i></i>
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Suspended indef.

Post by hawksrock0304 »

mnpride03: suspended indefinently means that his suspension is unknown at this time. He has a hearing in Toronto tommorow morning. He will find out his actual suspension tommarow. <p></p><i></i>