Lets settle North vs Metro vs private a little bit...

Posts: 78
Joined: Tue Mar 05, 2002 12:04 pm

let's stay on point here, shall we..

Post by bdabbt75 »

the writer pointed out "there is NO good hockey in the South"<br><br>I pointed out that his interpretation of the facts could be in error.<br><br>I DID NOT argue the south is better than the north, in fact I inferred it wasn't. <br><br>I did compare Lourdes' program to Ifalls', looking at recent (last 4 years) history, and the skaters that currently are skating D1.<br>I did that to either prove that Lourdes is a good hockey program (proving his statement false), or that IFalls is not a good hockey program because if Lourdes isn't a good program, by all comparisions IFalls is performing on a par or less.<br><br><br>My only assumption was that we're talking the here and now. If youre talking 20 years ago you may be right. Oh wait. JM. Damn there's another factoid. they won _the_ (single class) hockey title in 77. there is another good hockey program, at least historically, in the last 25 years. <br><br>Now if any of you still want to argue that NO SOUTHERN HOCKEY PROGRAM IS ANY GOOD, please state some comparitive facts instead of unrelated opinions, and try not to change the subject to 'where is the best hockey played' because that's not what I was objecting to.<br><br>If this is too complicated, let me know and I'll whip up a powerpoint;-) <br><br>Bottom line: stay on point. There are good hockey programs in the south. Point out my possible mistake, agree and move on, or be quiet.<br><br>-bud<br>"Remember Bud...Do not attack the person. Do not attack the person. Do not...." <p></p><i></i>